I went from 45 right to 47....awsome. Level 50 here i come :P.
Or was i 46...oh well i forget
I went from 45 right to 47....awsome. Level 50 here i come :P.
Or was i 46...oh well i forget
I remember way back when i first got my dell computer, it had a x300 se video card and a intel pentium d 2.8 ghz....little did i know the pentium D sucked pretty hard and the x300 was a budget card back then. Now i have my 2 Hd 4870's in crossfire, almost $600 in graphics cards and what do i get...this:
Over 200 frames per second (on average) in fear, a game that only 2 years ago, i had to push my video to its overclocking max just to play it. I must say, this is one kick ass setup.
Im gonna have more later on with other games and how they perform such as crysis, bioshock, cod4 and others....maybe even far cry 2
It looks like a monster....
It's intimidating, i know :P
People have told me some bad things about it, but so far i love it....even more than xp. Everything is so intigrated and it runs awsome on my computer. Even with dreamscene running everything is smooth as hell...tho it should...i honestly dont see why hate is soo bad.
Well its now 6am again and ive been up all nite working on this thing, but i think i have it done. I might post it tomorrow, i dunno when cause i gotta work.
And btw, i do belive that this is my BEST music video yet. :)
....Well off to bed
I have been a fan of breaking benjamin for quite awhile, and nothing makes me happier than doing a music video for this song. Its going to be Crysis warhead and im putting alot of time and effort into this one. My inspiration is the Half life 2 so cold music video that came out acouple years ago....and its going to take awhile. Ive taken about 130 pics/videos of ingame with fraps and im already up to 23gb of footage. Just incase you havent seen the Hl2 Music video, you can see it here
This is going to be my most serious video since my resident evil 4 video i made last year, and i hope it turnes out good.
Mishima Zaibatsu
I have no idea what the hell that means but it looks cool >.>
A celebration like this calls for cookies...but i ran out ....too bad :P
Check them out, and tell me wat u think :)
Ive been playing it since it released and i have a ton of pics. I did make these and they are recorded from my computer.
...Metallicas newest album that just got released, i got it and its effing awsome! Def way better than St Anger.
And in other news, i bought a new psu for future crossfire. I put the modular cables in upside down (doh!) burned up 2 hdd's equaling about 1 tb of stuff, and it burned up the psu, so i sent it back, got a new one. Then i found out that i burned up both of my DVD drives too (double DOH!) So i went to wally world yesterday and got a hp Light-scribe drive...Went to go put it in....accidentally got my finger stuck in this huge fan, broke a fin (triple doh!) so i ordered another one last night got here this morning, put it in and now I'm finally up and running 100%.
Hell of a bad week...but the new metallica album is curing my sadness, Rock on!
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