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Metallica is back mofo's

HELLZ YEA! My brother has been following the new album for about 6 months now, i have to say i was alittle skeptical. Today they did a 10 song preview thing on the radio...but i was working when it came on :(

So i went to mission , and it sounds AWSOME! Cant wait, i think im gonna get the cd when it comes out :D

Metallica's back!!!!

Phenom 9850 @ 3ghz

For some reason alot of ppl found this hard to reach, but it was pretty easy for me with my asus m3a32 mvp deluxe....

click for bigger pic

I 95 has been running fine for 3 hours and it was just running folding @ home for about 12 hours and its still running pretty solid.

Phenom 9850 @ 3ghz

4 gigs ram

hd 4870

m3a32 mvp deluxe

1 tb hdd space

and razer ac1 barracuda sound card.

New Comp case 56k

Since my other case was basically a heat chamber (even with 4 fans) i wanted to get something around $100 that has great cooling. So i went and did some research and seen that the antec 900 was one of the best cases for air cooling. So i went to and ordered one for about $103 with overnite shipping :D (they accidently charged me for amazon prime acouple months ago >.>) So i figured id use there mistake for my advantage. So far my load temps went from the upper 40's on my phenom, to about 36 max is what ive seen. This thing is a beast check it out:


Top fan

fan again

Side shot

Look at this fan, its bigger than my hand....oh and on the 56k note, my internet finally got upgraded from 250k to 750k, downloads are a hell of alot faster.

I finally hit 8000 posts

Its about damn time, for the longest time i was just a lurker. Now im starting to get more involved with pc hardware discussion. So w00t til i hit maybe 9000 in about 2 years, lol >.>

Some New pics of the pc

I bought some lights, a ram cooler and 2 more gigs of ram is on the way. I also got some artic silver 5 and put my tuniq tower on and its running at a cool 22 c. Heres some new pics, the red lights are sound sensitive and its really cool to watch it with music on.

Level 43 and final pc specs

Yep level 43 is pretty sweet looking :P Heres a video of my pc, not the greatest.


When i get fraps im gonna make some crysis videos and maybe some cod4 videos. Right now im running crysis on very high (winxp "hack") at about 25 fps

My video card crapped out

Ohh yes, i had everything hooked up and running. Played crysis at high @1920x1080 on my hdtv for about 3 days....looked amazing then it just stopped working. So i called tiger, they sent me a ups label....and hopefully get $150 back for it. Now payday's tomorrow night and i have my eye on another video card. So im gonna get a new msi 8800 gts 512 mb (the new g92 series). And according to the benchmarks its only alittle bit less powerful than 2 9600gt's in sli. So when i get my $150 back im gonna buy 2gbs more ram >.>......and go to a tom petty concert.

l8ter d00ds

building my first gaming computer!

This is what i have ordered, now remember im on a budget because i can always upgrade stuff:

Amd athlon 64 x2 4800+ processer

Asus m2n sli delux motherboard

2 gbs of ultra ddr2 dual channel 800mhz ram

kfa2 nvidia 9600gt oc

OCZ StealthXStream 600-Watt psu

and a lite-on dvd drive, ill eventually get a burner and a bluray drive

and this sweet looking case

my mobo, case and graphics card will be here monday and ill be trying to put it together then.

Level 42 and my most recent purchase

Awsomeness.....i have to say i went to the dark side with ths latest thing i bought. I have vowed ever since my first mp3 player that i wouldent get a ipod....well i WAS gonna get a new 80 gig (30 gigs isent enough anymore) zune til something hit me in the head and told me not to spend more money than i needed. if i would of got a zune with overnight shipping it would of been like $270, well since i get my 10% discount at walmart (and walmart doesent sell 80 gb zunes) i managed to get a 80 gb ipod ****c for about $220...prettty sweet deal i must say...and its hella small to for a hard drive.

wow this system is messed sensored clasik (cept spelled the right way >.>)

l8ter dewds. 8)

Oops i did it again

Well i had to get another ds after i sold my other one, since it was almost broken and my warrenty was up, i had to sell it. But when i seen that they would release a crimson/black ds awhile ago, i wanted it. So i went to walmart a week ago and got a ds, NG and pokemon diamond. But through out the week ive been lookin at good deals and buy decent games when i see them for cheap.

My ds

I got the case elite beat agents and 3 styluses for $15 while the game by its self was $30. Everything in this pic (except the ds browser cause gamestop wouldent buy it) is new and just got it in the past 2 weeks.

And btw these pics were taken by my new kodak 10 megapixel camera, too bad photobucket downsizes.....the normal rez of these pics were 3648x2736 which is pretty huge >.>