@RedLegZeff What you're talking about is called "non-regional dialect" and you're right, it is frequently used in broadcasting, especially news broadcasting.
Though it may not be considered an accent per se by many Americans, it's probably thought of as the "standard" American accent by Brits, Aussies, etc.
The SWtOR developers should be thankful for being included in this article.
Listen, I'm not one of those rabid TOR haters; I think they did a lot of things extremely well, but where they failed miserably was in creating a living, breathing world (or worlds in this case) with believable scale.
In this area, I believe GW2 has set a new standard. Never has a world felt so...alive. And that archtecture and art style...wow.
@SnakeEyesX80 Ah man, you brought back some memories with that one. I will never forget being heartbroken when my little computer person came down with the green sickness. :(
befo72's comments