@gatsbythepig I don't have a link, but I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one of the GB crew say that to hold hard feelings against Gamespot at this point would be silly since the GS powers-that-be that were responsible for Jeff's sacking are long gone. As for the sister site thing, this was a fairly recent development; CBS bought Giant Bomb and they already owned Gamespot. So know both sites are under the same management umbrella (though are totally independent of each other otherwise).
@gatsbythepig Yeah, if I remember correctly Jeff was the only one actually fired over the incident and all the other guys followed him out the door (over a period of several months) as a sign of solidarity and protest.
Stunned here too. Ryan has been one of my favorite gaming personalities for a long time going back to his time here on GS. RIP Ryan and thoughts and prayers to all his family, friends and Bomb-mates.
@befo72 It's all good man, sorry I kinda went off on you myself. I've just been really frustrated lately with the quality of some of the journalism and some of the community on this site and took it out on you. It could be that I'm just getting old and cranky...lol
@mariet31 Dude...before going around this thread insulting anyone and everyone you disagree with, maybe you should read the article closer. You keep talking about Ellen suing...where the hell are you getting that? No one is suing anyone here; she was asked a question and she answered it truthfully. She didn't call a press conference, didn't make a huge deal out of this. She ANSWERED A QUESTION.
This site's community has become as bad as IGN's or GameFAQs's. I'm beginning to think most of the adult users on this site followed most of the editorial staff to GiantBomb after GerstmannGate.
@digits52 And without a broken controller to show for it...lol. Ah, the days when games were so hard you needed blood pressure pills to beat them. I agree with you though, I had the same thought as soon as the game started, that the graphical style brought back OOTW memories, back when rotoscoping was the big gaming buzzword.
befo72's comments