@beganoo said:
@Vaasman said:
So by the logic of your own post, since you cannot hate someone you don't know, and you hate rapists and pedophiles, you are acquainted with every rapist and pedophile on the planet? I really think you may want to calm down and think about your posts a bit.
Also if you don't hate me, then why did you call me out specifically instead of issuing a blanketing statement to all fans of the game? I think it's pretty clear to any outside observer that you dislike me at the very least. Or is it that you secretly love me and are having difficulty expressing your emotions?
"100% serious now. The game got the the high scores ONLY because of the hype.Plenty of people have now pointed out the many many flaws of both sotry and gameplay.The way I see it a review made now is 100 times more legit thanks to the fact that the hype is gone.Few think of Infinite as GOTY. All you hear is TLOU and GTA5 and for a good reason. Infinte is shitty.Deal with it."
None of that has any basis at all, and the question of whether it's goty or not has absolutely nothing to do with the score it got just now from this reviewer.
Its an example.I (can) hate rapists and pedophiles as opposed to idiots on formus.To really hate someone I need to know him.
I call you out because you are the flag ship Infinte fanboy on these boards.
Talking about the general shift of opinion about this trash game.Many not considering it GOTY is just an example.
Just kiding.Pull you pants up damn. :P
But the general opinion didn't shift at all, those are simply newer games so people are talking about them regularly as candidates. Even if one of those wins, that has nothing to do with whether or not Bioshock Infinite is a great game or not. People who liked it still like it and people who didn't, didn't.
In fact, TLOU isn't praised much compared to GTA5 at this point, does that mean TLOU is a terrible game? If a single review says TLOU isn't that great, does that mean all other reviews were victims of hype and it shouldn't be GOTY? TLOU got a 6/10 at Quarter to Three, does that mean that's the score of the game and every other review is based purely on hype? What about GTAV? Escapist gave it a 7/10, so I guess it's a 7/10 game, hardly GOTY worthy. Sorry, but like I said, none of your comments have any basis in reality. Getting a single low score from a website now means absolutely nothing, and this wasn't even from a website really, since it wasn't the official score. It's still a highly praised and scored game, nothing will change that, no matter how much you wish it would.
And again, apparently you know all the rapist and pedophiles in the world. Your logic, not mine. How can you really say you hate them if you don't know any?
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