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#1 beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@rjdofu said:

You know someone is desperate when he has to resort to constant Ad Hominem.

Yep yep I do that but you should check out hes repertoar too.Welcome to the iternet bro.

The important thing here is ifinite is slowly but surely going down the shitter as it should.The fanboys can weave their hands and scream all they want.

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#3  Edited By beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo: System wars meta says otherwise, metacritic says otherwise, and gamespot says otherwise, since this isn't even marked as a feature, primary review, it's an "other take" review. It's score isn't even listed unless you click on the review's page. Sorry, the second opinion reviews it count for nothing. You're just desperate for any shred of validation you can get, and it's sad that you're clinging so much to this single worthless review, as if it's changed a single thing. It didn't, and it likely never will. It's a 9 and it will stay a 9, it's about time you just accepted it and moved on.

And as a matter of fact, yes, the community did agree on a lot of things at one point. Do you think the concepts of factions, flops, ownage, AAA-AA-A systems just sprang up from nothing? I guess you'd have to have been a long time regular to really understand it anyway.

Well no one said SW is not one of the most irrational shit holes on the interent. Don't think many would argue that.Makes sense you like to spend so much time in here.

I'm just glad the game is getting exposed now wen the hype is gone.Called it wen the first came out too.This thing is abomination of worthless hype that blinded many.its the best example this gen how hype can be harmful.You play your pretend numbers and meta who-givrs-a-shit-exept-idiots game.Wont chage the fact the game is as meh as it gets. Just look at how many people in this very thread agree with toms review (not the score mind you, the review. I would socre it differently too).

You have every defining quality of a crazy ass fnaboy on these boards with exception you try to hide it and you actually do ok job at it (most try and fail).You'r just salty as **** your syste... I mean game is getting exposed for trash.Too bad. :>

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#4 beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo said:

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo: No, actually, only the official gamespot scores matter in system wars. Second opinions have not been incorporated into the meta game yet and probably never will be. 9/10 is the official score and that's what it will stay. Tom's score is unofficial, it's worth no more than some random user review. You might as well put a link to your own review of the game for all it's worth.

And yea, back off on the other point. As wrong as it already was, you were terrible at expressing it.

Oh so you are the boss who makes the rules for SW now? Hes one of the main reviewers on the site and he gave it a score.Ofcourse it matters in SW. Dont make up shit up.Offical this offical that my ass.Its like the stupid made up rules kindergarteners would come up with for thier littel games. More damage control please !

Also not being less hateful is "worng"? You are pure trash my friend. :)

Hey don't look at me, I don't make the rules. it's a 9/10 and it stays a 9/10 AAA game until we decide collectively as a community that second opinions matter. That's why it's called a metagame. Until such a time, it doesn't count. You can either accept that or not, it doesn't really matter because it is what it is, a 9/10 game. We've had whole threads discussing what to count. If you'd like, you're more than welcome to make a thread asking if we should count them. Until then, only official scores count, which Tom's is not.

And yea, it is "worng." Hating an individual you've talked to is one thing, but hating an entire demographic is ridiculous. I've met pedophiles before. Many of them know it's wrong and become extremely frustrated or depressed because they know they can't do anything about it and they have no desire to hurt anyone. One guy went his entire life alone to avoid anything remotely tempting. That you flat out hate an entire set of people you've never interacted with on any level, means you are ignorant, plain and simple.

Obviously I'm talking about pedophiles that act on their sick urges. Why would I hate someone for being born a certain way or whatever. As long as you are not hurting anyone else you can be as fucked up as you please.

Anyway you are full of shit on those scores. You talked about it in a thread ?!! Well f*ck me, sound the alarm !!!

"Collectively as a community my ass".No one agrees. Maybe use your common sense ?

Its a gamespot ediotrs opinion. It counts. Cry as much as you want about it.Wont change that.

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#5  Edited By beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo: No, actually, only the official gamespot scores matter in system wars. Second opinions have not been incorporated into the meta game yet and probably never will be. 9/10 is the official score and that's what it will stay. Tom's score is unofficial, it's worth no more than some random user review. You might as well put a link to your own review of the game for all it's worth.

And yea, back off on the other point. As wrong as it already was, you were terrible at expressing it.

Oh so you are the boss who makes the rules for SW now? Hes one of the main reviewers on the site and he gave it a score.Ofcourse it matters in SW. Dont make up shit up.Offical this offical that my ass.Its like the stupid made up rules kindergarteners would come up with for thier littel games. More damage control please !

Also not being less hateful is "worng"? You are pure trash my friend. :)

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#6  Edited By beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo said:

@Vaasman said:


So by the logic of your own post, since you cannot hate someone you don't know, and you hate rapists and pedophiles, you are acquainted with every rapist and pedophile on the planet? I really think you may want to calm down and think about your posts a bit.

Also if you don't hate me, then why did you call me out specifically instead of issuing a blanketing statement to all fans of the game? I think it's pretty clear to any outside observer that you dislike me at the very least. Or is it that you secretly love me and are having difficulty expressing your emotions?

"100% serious now. The game got the the high scores ONLY because of the hype.Plenty of people have now pointed out the many many flaws of both sotry and gameplay.The way I see it a review made now is 100 times more legit thanks to the fact that the hype is gone.Few think of Infinite as GOTY. All you hear is TLOU and GTA5 and for a good reason. Infinte is shitty.Deal with it."

None of that has any basis at all, and the question of whether it's goty or not has absolutely nothing to do with the score it got just now from this reviewer.

Its an example.I (can) hate rapists and pedophiles as opposed to idiots on formus.To really hate someone I need to know him.

I call you out because you are the flag ship Infinte fanboy on these boards.

Talking about the general shift of opinion about this trash game.Many not considering it GOTY is just an example.


Just kiding.Pull you pants up damn. :P

But the general opinion didn't shift at all, those are simply newer games so people are talking about them regularly as candidates. Even if one of those wins, that has nothing to do with whether or not Bioshock Infinite is a great game or not. People who liked it still like it and people who didn't, didn't.

In fact, TLOU isn't praised much compared to GTA5 at this point, does that mean TLOU is a terrible game? If a single review says TLOU isn't that great, does that mean all other reviews were victims of hype and it shouldn't be GOTY? TLOU got a 6/10 at Quarter to Three, does that mean that's the score of the game and every other review is based purely on hype? What about GTAV? Escapist gave it a 7/10, so I guess it's a 7/10 game, hardly GOTY worthy. Sorry, but like I said, none of your comments have any basis in reality. Getting a single low score from a website now means absolutely nothing, and this wasn't even from a website really, since it wasn't the official score. It's still a highly praised and scored game, nothing will change that, no matter how much you wish it would.

And again, apparently you know all the rapist and pedophiles in the world. Your logic, not mine. How can you really say you hate them if you don't know any?

Nice damage controll but we ALL know how on gamespot gamespots scores matter only.Its mod approved. So fine, lets take the 4 score and the 9 score /2 = 6.5. Still a pretty shitty score but about right. I'd give it a 6.5 tbh. Slightly above avrage becasue the first 1/3 of the game was pretty good before it all went to shit.

As far as the rapist and pedophiles.Not gonna bother explain it again.. I can tell bad wording if all you have against me now. LOL :D nitpick all day, you know very well what I mean.

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#7  Edited By beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@Vaasman said:


So by the logic of your own post, since you cannot hate someone you don't know, and you hate rapists and pedophiles, you are acquainted with every rapist and pedophile on the planet? I really think you may want to calm down and think about your posts a bit.

Also if you don't hate me, then why did you call me out specifically instead of issuing a blanketing statement to all fans of the game? I think it's pretty clear to any outside observer that you dislike me at the very least. Or is it that you secretly love me and are having difficulty expressing your emotions?

"100% serious now. The game got the the high scores ONLY because of the hype.Plenty of people have now pointed out the many many flaws of both sotry and gameplay.The way I see it a review made now is 100 times more legit thanks to the fact that the hype is gone.Few think of Infinite as GOTY. All you hear is TLOU and GTA5 and for a good reason. Infinte is shitty.Deal with it."

None of that has any basis at all, and the question of whether it's goty or not has absolutely nothing to do with the score it got just now from this reviewer.

Its an example.I (can) hate rapists and pedophiles as opposed to idiots on formus.To really hate someone I need to know him.

I call you out because you are the flag ship Infinte fanboy on these boards.

Talking about the general shift of opinion about this trash game.Many not considering it GOTY is just an example.


Just kiding.Pull you pants up damn. :P

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#8  Edited By beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo said:

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo said:

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo said:

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo: You know most posters I own get over their hateboners by now. I'm impressed with my own ability at this point. How bad does it feel to have to use a 6 month late troll review as a defense?

Own ? First of all I was right.It got a 4 once all the shit, fake hype was gone... you are an idiot.You onwed yoursef just now.Second I destroyed you in a little troll thread remeber. You were weaving with your hands and crying like an infant "to mommy".It was hilarious. You are too easy.

Also 4 is a 4 is a 4. One of the worst scores this year.What a shame. I almost feel bad for the morons that think its a good game.

Oh dear. It seems in between my last post and now, you may have lost your entire grip on reality, as well as the ability to form posts, or spell. Tragic.

I suppose the euphoria of being able to circle jerk with a single review after all this time, regardless of how trollish or meaningless it is, was too much, and it burst the blood vessels in your brain.

You so mad bro.Love it.And it's not me that needs a reality check.You have been delusional since this game came out.

Btw you are alwasy going back to the spelling thing wen you get in a corner.Shows what a fucking shithead you are.:) Every single time wen you feel unsecure its the same all same old shtick. Wen I see you talking about my spelling

I consider that a win.Just an fyi.You have a pattern using that one.

Anyway lol at you pathetic damage control attempts.A review is a review.Deal with it sweety.I know the butthurt is major but still...

"BioShock Infinite is an incoherent mess that fails in both its shooting and its story."

True true...

Your gtoy being exposed for the trash it is and you along with it.Must be a bitch.

Go and play some actual good games dipshit.

Feeling better yet or would you like to keep going? I'll be in this thread some more you so can keep venting like a vindictive psychopath all day. I'll even read through it I promise!

Game gets a 4, I call it shit = I'm a psychopath.Keep showing your stupidity off. :) Rubbing it in your face is just for lols.You so mad braaaa. What a shitty game tho, damn. Same reviewer gave TLOU more then double the score.Oh wait, you didnt play TLOUs did you ? :( I guees you play only shit games.

It got a 4 from a single reviewer who is a known contrarian and admitted hipster, that doesn't even change the official score of the website, 6 months after the game released, and that somehow negates all other review scores that say it's a 94% at metacritic, 9/10 here, and one of the better games of this year. On top of that almost everything you've posted is directed at calling me mad and stupid, which is flattering, honestly, but does nothing to help your case in trying to look like you're in the right.

Yea I would say the psychopath label is pretty justified. Other than the score given by this one particular reviewer being a 4, none of what you've said has even the slightest basis in reality. I mean, this is about as low as you could have gone at this point. After those last threads and now having to resort to this, it's reeking of personal vendetta don't you think?

Maybe it's about time you were honest about this whole thing. You just hate me, and it actually has little to nothing to do with the game, right?

I think you have some kind of fetish about people hating you.I have the feeling that if I say I hate you will get extremely aroused and start doing naughty things to your body.Talking about psychopaths.Jesus Christ.

I've told you multiple times I don't hate you at all.

1.You can't hate some you don't know.

2.You can't hate someone you dont give two shits about.

3.Hate is a very strong , bad and treturous emotion and I try to stay as far from it as I can.Something very extreme needs to happen or "be" for me to hate.

For example I hate rapists and pedphiles.Do you really want to be on that list? You are one dumb self entitled egotistical f*ck bro.

Anyway I think you are an asshole but thats only because you are. :> Also your taste in games is shit but thats your problem.


100% serious now. The game got the the high scores ONLY because of the hype.Plenty of people have now pointed out the many many flaws of both sotry and gameplay.The way I see it a review made now is 100 times more legit thanks to the fact that the hype is gone.Few think of Infinite as GOTY. All you hear is TLOU and GTA5 and for a good reason. Infinte is shitty.Deal with it.

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#10 beganoo
Member since 2009 • 1642 Posts

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo said:

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo said:

@Vaasman said:

@beganoo: You know most posters I own get over their hateboners by now. I'm impressed with my own ability at this point. How bad does it feel to have to use a 6 month late troll review as a defense?

Own ? First of all I was right.It got a 4 once all the shit, fake hype was gone... you are an idiot.You onwed yoursef just now.Second I destroyed you in a little troll thread remeber. You were weaving with your hands and crying like an infant "to mommy".It was hilarious. You are too easy.

Also 4 is a 4 is a 4. One of the worst scores this year.What a shame. I almost feel bad for the morons that think its a good game.

Oh dear. It seems in between my last post and now, you may have lost your entire grip on reality, as well as the ability to form posts, or spell. Tragic.

I suppose the euphoria of being able to circle jerk with a single review after all this time, regardless of how trollish or meaningless it is, was too much, and it burst the blood vessels in your brain.

You so mad bro.Love it.And it's not me that needs a reality check.You have been delusional since this game came out.

Btw you are alwasy going back to the spelling thing wen you get in a corner.Shows what a fucking shithead you are.:) Every single time wen you feel unsecure its the same all same old shtick. Wen I see you talking about my spelling

I consider that a win.Just an fyi.You have a pattern using that one.

Anyway lol at you pathetic damage control attempts.A review is a review.Deal with it sweety.I know the butthurt is major but still...

"BioShock Infinite is an incoherent mess that fails in both its shooting and its story."

True true...

Your gtoy being exposed for the trash it is and you along with it.Must be a bitch.

Go and play some actual good games dipshit.

Feeling better yet or would you like to keep going? I'll be in this thread some more you so can keep venting like a vindictive psychopath all day. I'll even read through it I promise!

Game gets a 4, I call it shit = I'm a psychopath.Keep showing your stupidity off. :) Rubbing it in your face is just for lols.You so mad braaaa. What a shitty game tho, damn. Same reviewer gave TLOU more then double the score.Oh wait, you didnt play TLOUs did you ? :( I guees you play only shit games.