Mind you not only played but finished the games.
One for me yey. :P (5) Just now.
GTA3. Was just a kid.I think I made it in to the 3th part of the ciry and quit for some reason. Dont really remeber.Maybe it was too hard or something.
GTA VC. I beat that one but I used cheats for the last missions so I dont count it.Again just a kid using cheats, haven't done that in a long long time.
GTA SA. I made it really far but there was that one mission that you had to fly a plane in to some rings and the K&M controlls were just awful.I tried to beat it quite a few times but quit in the end.Really cool game but oh well...
GTA 4. I dislike this game for a lot of reason and I believe its the worst of the 3D gta games. Anyway, the moment I stoped playing was wen I had only two missions on the map and in both you had to chase some guy on vehicle.Wasn't doing so well, was very unlucky in those missions and every time you **** up you had to drive to the mission giver take you mission go to the misson start. It took like 10-15 minutes every time,it pissed me off A LOT and I was done with it.Again, not the only reason.Just dont think its that good of a game aswell.
The lost and damned. Played for 40 minutes and lost interest for some reason
Ballad of gay tony. Beat that one but since its DLC I dont count it as beating a full GTA release
GTA 5. Beat that one proper. Finally a game to truly meet the hype.One of the very best this gen. Rock Star have learnd A LOT since GTA 4.
Never played gta 1 and 2
So what about you guys ?
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