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ben_stokes Blog

5 Things you may not know about me

Well "tagged" by Paul and Tom, here are some very "exciting" facts about me. ;)

1. I spend far too much time on my 360 and after 1 and a half years it is yet to fail.

2. I borrow money and forget to pay people back.

3. I have a mangey old cat called George.

4. I will never ice skate again.

5. I am addicted to Bourbon biscuits and Custard Creams.

I've bought Army of Two and RSV2 and I'll put up a blog on what I think some other time. Paul and Tom, who the hell started this wierd trend! :?

Trading in

After being skint for a good month, I've resorted to trading in Burnout Paradise(360), DMC4(360), My Sims(DS)and my PS2 for around £120 at GAME and am looking for some suggestions to spend it on.

I'm really tilting towards Army of Two, an Eagles jersey and a football but have only heard bad things about AoT to be honest. So if any of you guys reading this have it, is it good or fun at the very least?

In other news,

  • Pre-ordered GTA IV.
  • Completed Legendary for the third time with Sean and Rob.
  • Wired up my Xbox to my router fixing my connection.
  • On study leave.
  • Enjoying Lost Planet.
  • Confused on Super Mario 64.

To finish up does anyone wanna play football on Friday or in the Easter holidays with me and Jack?

Mixed Reactions

I've just completed the Orange Box and I can't make my mind up. Portal and Episode 1 were a big hit with me but were really let down by Half Life 2. The whole game however had terrible gun mechanics and was extremely easy to get lost with repetitive enemies, surroundings and corridors. :?

I really liked Portal and its really unique humour and gameplay. Episode 1 seemed a lot faster paced than HL2 with plenty more action and alot more shooting.

Tom has lent me Super Mario 64 and Lost Planet, I'll probably use those two as an excuse to write a new blog soon. I'm contemplating buying Army of Two after seeing some more videos of it asnd having a look at the achievements.

Your thoughts welcome as always. (Cheeseeeey):P

Trigga Happay!


"So by now there's a slight chance you've heard something about a little game called Gears of War® 2. Well, the secret is out: Marcus Fenix returns in November 2008, and things just got a lot more interesting. Gears 2 is under development at Epic Games, the studio that created the original blockbuster, and they are hell-bent on bringing a bigger, badder, and even more intense experience to your Xbox 360® this holiday.

The first Gears of War was a technical masterpiece that introduced gamers, in glorious and gory detail, to the full potential of high-definition visuals. By utilizing the technological advances built into the Unreal® Engine 3, Gears 2 is primed to raise the bar yet again. Do you think you know all about "Destroyed Beauty?" Just wait.

Gears of War 2 will continue the saga of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad as they fight to save humanity from the overwhelming onslaught of the Locust Horde, and will mix the series' trademark tactical action gameplay with an epic story of survival, loss, and retribution-and killing Locust. Lots and lots of Locust. So whatever assumptions you've made, forget 'em. Whatever your expectations are, raise 'em, because Gears of War 2 is coming. November 2008 is right around the corner, and it's going to be one hell of a ride." from

Oh yeah 20k Gamerscore too.

Quick Upd8

Completed Mass Effect on hardcore and picked up a sweet gamerpicture.

Completed Phantom hourglass after I borrowed it off Jonny, really great game but I regret not playing other LOZ games before hand as the story seemed a little random to a newbie to the series.

Picked Forza Motorsport 2, no doubt that its a good game but I am absolutely crap at it and yet to win my first friggin race.

Picked up Dead or Alive 4, pretty random story but fun to play and some of the female characters show a little too much to say the least.

Picked up Fifa 06, purely for achievement points and its pretty damn fun for the most part and is hilarious when you score and the comentators say "you could of put a net on top of the net and that still wouldn't of gone in".

Picked up Burnout Paradise which is pretty sweet, though at times I can't be arsed going for the next license as some events become quite repetitive. The game recognises me as EA staff or something too which is pretty wierd.

Getting further on GH3 and am almost up to the last setlist on expert. (That game only gets funner)

Pre-ordered GTA IV form Gamestation.

Listened to some SF music in Gamestation ;).

Computer is still screwed till I can be bothered to do something about it (this is from a laptop again).

My internet connection is even more amazing as of Gears a few days ago!

And thats pretty much it for now really haven't done a blog in a while so there you go, impressions on the games will be posted later. Jonny and Tom do a new blog :).

DS Friend codes and Mass Effect

Hey, just got my BlackDS Lite.

Completed Pokemon Diamond and am now on My Sims, Pokemon Diamond is great and it took me ages to beat the elite four. But I've hardly played any of My Sims just yet.

Mass Effect is really excellent and I like it more and more with each playthrough, I'm now on my 3rd at 14 hours 34 mins on hardcore. Its quite the step up from casual :Lol:, but thats only a good thing and makes the game alot more fun. With the other playthroughs they were very rushed and pretty much just the main story, I'm going to take my time to do all the sidequests etc this time round and be Renegade.

Oh yeah, I have about £140 left to spend and am looking for some suggestions :).

So to stay to the title could you please post your DS friend codes and I'll see you on Wi-fi.

Practice makes perfect

Happy new year guys and all the best for 2008.

Two of my friends recently purchased GH3 and I must say I'm really impressed. Both Jonny and David are awesome at GH after less than a month playing it, David has almost completed Expert and Jonny is a fair way into it too. So improvement in all games in general kinda came and hit me in the face, though Tom mentioned it yesterday or the day before I didn't really take it into account. Even when you like to brag as much as me it comes into play, from little things like playing Assassin's Creed and changing your whole play style without even realising it.

Tony Hawk games where playing for fun can be the most subtle training possible, your small ten thosand combos are quick to change into millions and your doing stuff that you wouldn't of dreamed of doing. When No One Knows on GH1 was solid on easy and now your playing some Expert songs. From barely surviving onCasual to beating Raam on Insane.

I think I've gone on for long enough with that and hopefully you get the point. With fun andpractice there is no limit to how good you can get in a game and hell real life too more to the point.

In a last quick note, I'm sorry for all of the short random blogs as of late and will keep all the ones of 08 as confusing as this one.:lol:


Completed Mass Effect, can't type how great that was. Best game I have played in years, thats alot of games ;).