But that's the point...communities rather keep the person not logged out, and eliminate the ones that would make people log out...it's just more pleasant that way
I agree, that possibility definitely exists...the term troll exists for a reason...but it couldn't hurt I'd say...
Giving conflicting POVs from reviewers might get people agree with one side or the other, so there's at least the possibility of agreement with the reviewer whoever he or she is...most shit is spewed because of disagreement, so if at least there can be agreement somewhere, then it could work
Fault goes both ways....GS news articles tend to promote these "fanboy wars" and it was briefly shown in the vid as well...all in the name of more hits...
But the community....maaan...stronger moderation could be a first thing to do...but promoting the serious topics might be a good idea too...
And if GTA5 is the hot topic, then perhaps address those points a bit more in detail after the review is submitted...perhaps change the review format, from one author to more...or have stricter guidelines to follow...
That still won't get rid of the douchebags, but at least it might help...
Haha...well it certainly isn't as user friendly as Windows I guess...but I grew to like Ubuntu and terminal usage in general...it's a lot easier :p
Also regarding the original question...Linux is an OS kernel, while UNIX nowadays is more like a standard for different other systems, such as Solaris...
Linux is not certified as a UNIX OS from what I know, it's just "like UNIX"
benelori's comments