This is the part where lots of people are not actually projecting themselves into the character...
Choosing female character is probably related to visual preference in most cases, but also just the desire RP properly, which means that if I think up a character with certain traits that I think would fit a female more, then it will be a female...
There are also stuff like voice acting quality, animation, how the equipment looks on the character...
I knooow :/ ... at some point I think I requested such a feature in their support forum...meh...
What I know, is that over the years I've heard Kevin saying that he loves shooters, and based on N videos I think he does love them...but I dunno, I don't think his personal taste matters that much here...
The expectations of a sci-fi shooter may differ from expectations of a fantasy game, so I think the issue is there and not in the reviewer's "bias"...I will never compare a shooter with a fantasy RPG, and I think that's why I agree with Kevin's reviews 90% of the time
benelori's comments