That would be pretty awesome...but then Desmond should have some Asian features in there somewhere right? Even though Desmond's assassin ancestry is a bit more complex, he still lacks the Asian features...
Ubisoft can't just drop in a Chinese or a Japanese from nowhere:p...or maybe they could?
<insert stale "caucasian male somehow ending up in China, being like a son and best student to the master, and surpassing all other students, who were there since birth" story>...:D
And was that a half complete game? Either way, the point is that nobody can actually force anything on you. So when you say "we don't have a choice", we actually do.
I'm playing this in a group with my brother...a few hours every day...
And I have a level 40 character and I still enjoy the main story line and some of the more expanded quests. So all this F2P is unplayable is pretty much bullshit. You don't need more than 2 quickslot bars to enjoy the least for me it isn't necessary
benelori's comments