Looking at shadow run doesn't intrest me at all, but I think there is potential there as a single player game. I could imagine this game working well in the style of something like deus-ex. You know create a charcter from scratch move through some epic story powering up your charcter as you go and become some sort of demi-god with a bfg at the end.
that is the thing who would buy a next gen in four years. the ps 2 is still out selling the next gen now add a next next gen to that. i call it bankrupt for microsoft. what are they going to do abandon the 360. i don't think it will happen because the 360 is doing better than the xbox. but this is a ps 3 forum so i will keep my mouth shut and say that yes the ps 3 will last ten years. think about it the ps 1 lasted barly ten years but the ps 2 is on its 8th year and still out selling everything. the game dev are still going to make game for the ps 2 because they now there is still 100 million users out there.GARRYTH
Yeah but the way sony make is sound like the PS3 is so powerful that thier wont need to be another PS for 10 years and anybody who has heard or moore law will know that this is garbage. I mean the PS3 could be around for 10 years in the same respect that the PS2 looks like it will be but as a lesser tier to a PS4.
Does anybody actually buy into this bs about the PS3 will have a 10 year cycle. I mean if M$ made a console in the next 4yrs or so it would make the ps3 look garbage and do sony really think that it will be around for another 5 years after that.
It's amazing how much that game rocked given how bad the acting was.
Well thats the problem isn't it how do you act out such stupid lines. Thought the entire script was homoerotic with the saliors and anyone remember the tatoo artist *shudder*
I recently brought a pair of 5.1 headphones. Which I cannot be bothered to hook up very often. Mainly because in games most of your enemies are in front of you so they seem pretty pointless. The only game I can think of where for me it adds something is crackdown.
What achivements have you achieved in games that may not neccessarly be impresive to other people but are proud of?
Mine would have to be my recent replaying of ninja gaiden. Got this game years ago got to the 1st boss got owned repeatedly. And pretty much gave up on it. Just thought I would give it another crack yesterday. And I managed to beat the 1st boss on the 3rd time. Whichpretty pleased with but I knew alot of people got stuck on the 2nd boss so I probaly get stuck on him I wasn't exactly brilliant at the game. But no I beat him on my 1st try which I couldn't belive. But then I managed to also beat the 3rd boss on the 1st try(which I found easier the the 2nd) currently on the 4th level just hope my good luck continues.
Now I know alot of people will be thinking so what! But for me this was a real acomplishment. I am not geneally any good at button combonation games. I mean I beat RAMM on insane 1st go with my brother and I think whatever to that. But for me personally me doing this on ninja gaiden is what I am most proud of so far.
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