But as it stands, I see the psp go as more of a downgrade than an upgrade. And this to me would've been a proper hardware upgrade.
betamon's forum posts
NES was wonderful, though I was quite young through that era and wasn't able to fully get into a lot of the games like I did with the SNES. So, for me--even though I started with the NES--I'm going to have to go with the SNES/Genesis era as being the most memorable.
I think this gen is going to be the least memorable looking back. It's all been just more of the same without much to get excited about. I'm almost losing interest in gaming right now. I'm trying to have fun, but it's only when I look back that I get inspired to game. Nothing is really inspiring me these days.
So you're getting frusterated with the game and cursing at it? That's an easy enough thing to do as I've been there plenty of times myself.
Cursing just isn't so smart, as the tongue is a powerful thing. It's like the rudder of a giant ship--although it's small in size, it has control over the entire vessel. Same with your tongue. So you can speak either blessings or curses and it will have an effect either way--the bad effect being cursing of course.
Hopefully that helps in some way.
If I go on Live I know someone will say something that I don't want to hear, so I stay away from it. I play online with ps3 a bit since there aren't so many people with headsets. If there isn't any filter in place or some sort of way of keeping things clean, then what can you do? Just stay away from rubbish is my best advice.
Yeah, I really don't see anything on there. The only one I've purchased so far is Street Fighter Alpha--even though I never play it.
Good question.
I think any Street Fighter 2 song for sure. Then Mario and Zelda.
007 and the first DK Country are the only ones that stand out for me.
That's actually a really good question for me, because I loved the 64 and defended it mainly because of the better graphics--which was the same thing I used to say with the snes and genesis, always being in favor of the snes.
Now, when the time came around where I was finally playing the ps1 I was still really against it. I had a Saturn, even. I never defended the Saturn, because I knew it was on its way out and I didn't really play it all that much anymore. Mainly we were always playing 007 four player and that was great. But that eventually got tired and we all moved on, and by moving on I mean stricktly playing the playstation. Games like Tomb Raider, Tony Hawk 1 and 2, any sports game title, etc., etc.
It was kind of sad leaving the old 64 in the dust, but I finally realized that graphics didn't mean anything anymore compared to gameplay. I was all about graphics for so long that I hesitated to even give the PS the time of day, until I finally played a few games on the thing and started having so much fun. Like the first and second Syphon Filter's, or the first Metal Gear. I was being introduced to really different types of gameplay that the 64 just wasn't offering at all.
I still love the 64 with games like Ocarina of Time and Mario 64, which I still wanna go back and play--Zelda, at least.
So overall I think the PS was the better console, but it's really a good console comparison as far as I'm concerned.
So has bethesda said anything about an ESV being released around 2010? I know I've read that somewhere else, but I'm pretty sure it was just hearsay.Sorry this is being picky but there will never be a new "Oblivion", now on the other hand there most definitely be a new Elder Scrolls. ESV will likely be released sometime in either 2010 or 2011. As for Fallout, anything that anybody says is just speculation, including me and I would estimate somewhere around 2013-2014.
Street Fighter HD Remix
Castlevania SotN
Can't think of a third, though. Maybe Braid, but that's only because I can't think of any others that might be in the top three.
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