@jcrame10: Of course thats another debate entirely tho, I also agree with you that it may not be worth the asking price, but is a game which is 30+ long and has 100 of missions which are basically the same mission over and over again worth the full price, I mean the order may be short but the gameplay graphics and the story are very solid and tight, I could go round all games and tell you that they could of done more. I do agree tho, the market needs to change the pricing of things, I mean would the order sell more at a cheaper price, would even review scores reflex the price, I believe it might do, I honestly think most reviews are based on the price of the game rather than what it offers.
For me tho it was truly amazing experience and honestly cannot wait to see what a development team like that can do, i think we forget this is there very first game on a home console, there other outings are on vita, I cannot believe what they have pulled off for there first attempt.
Evolve tho got good reviews???? and yet how could it, half the content is locked out for dlc, or to buy, the actual game is shocking there isn't anything to it, even free to play games come with more stuff.
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