Not sure what everyone's problem with it being when were classing the gameplay to mass effect or gears of war, I mean gears of war the first game I finished within 7hours if that and that game got top marks, and the story was pretty meh in my eyes, and the final boss was pretty stale.
The Order 1886, is about great story telling, in a gaming world filled with first person shooters, open world games with poor graphics and bad stories.
This game may it be only around 7 hours long, is breathtakingly gorgeous, good third person shooting mechanics, and a great story with lots of twists which sets up a sequel if they decide to do one. it's a cross between heavy rain and the last of us gameplay, if you like your story driven games please don't be put off because it's only 7 hours, its a great 7hours, not a worthless 30+ grind mess
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