Seriously, who announces a gaming console, only to talk about tv, and sports? 3 games were mentioned, none of which, had any actual gameplay. They said their wanting to wait till e3 to show the games, that is a terrible marketing decision. And to microsoft, if these 8 new exclusives are going to revolve around kinect, dont even bother making them. No one wants kinect, yet you keep pushing for it. Just quit.
I know sony didnt have the actual console there, but they told the specs of the console, and talked about how easy it will be for developers to make games for it. microsoft had the console, but i think they might have been ashamed to tell what the specs are.
Seriously? Say something about Halo, and its not even a game????? Just no. I dont care if it can watch tv, I already have a satellite for that. And I dont want to play a sports game that ive already played for the past thousand years. On top of that, with all the tv, and cloud strage, that confirms always online, so PS4 PS4 PS4
Why are all of these Nintendo fanboys putting the blame on EA? Anyone with a brain knows that the Wii U isnt even as powerful as current gen xbox and ps3, so its common sense that its not going to run next gen graphics engines, or even some current gen ones at that. Developers know this, so why would they release Battlefield 4 on the Wii U if the graphics wouldnt be up to par with the other systems, and have horrible frame rate? Anything under 30 frames is practically unacceptable. Most 3rd party developers would just be digging their own hole if they release a game on the Wii U. Its obvious that MOST next gen games will be running on either frostbite 3, or unreal engine 4. Wii U cant run either of these engines, so things dont look good.
And to the Nintendo fanboys, yes the Wii U can run frostbite 3, or unreal engine 4. But lets be honest here, a 5 year old PC can run Crysis 3, but would you really want to play it on a 5 year old PC? Would it even be playable? Just because a system can run something, dosent mean its playable.
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