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#1 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts


That's pretty much why I'm not compelled to get a 360 right now. There's no variety. I hope this shooter fad goes away soon.

QFT. The only game I'm actually jealous of X360 owners is Ace Combat, because I liked it on PS2. Otherwise, there's just a wealth of quality, exclusive titles across genres, on the PS consoles. There's just no answer to God of War, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter, andUnchartedon the Xbox. Splinter Cell just doesn't compare to MGS. Forza isslightly better in physics and considerably in AI, but GT to me has a better overall package. The multi-plats are just that...multi plat. Hooray, I get to play those too!

Unfortunately I agree with you. Damn teh cows teh cell beats teh 360:cry:..More variety of games, means better games to choose from instead of the same ol' alien killing, saving earth type of shooter. One question though wasn't that partof the original Xbox's success?

Heck yeah shooters were part of Xbox success. They're not for everyone though. I enjoy them from time to time, but I'd rather tool around San Andreas or strum a few cords on GH. Maybe level up my Groovitron on Ratchet. Variety is the spice of life for me. PS3 is just more spicey. I won't tell you the 360 doesn't have some great's obvious from the fan following on SW that it has some stellar games. But for a cheapskate like me that only owns 1 console a Gen, they just don't call to me like PS games.

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#2 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

And who says there's no quality on the Wii? You? The Wii's first year line up is better than the 360's first year line up.

And you know what, who's he to tell you what you consider quality? That's what really irritates me about Lems particularly. They think what they enjoy is what EVERYONE enjoys. If you don't, you're wrong. It's like hyping review scores on games. I've enjoyed some games that received brutal reviews. Just because some gamespot editor nerd, or some fanboy nerd, tells you something isn't quality doesn't make it so. I don't own a Wii, nor will I likely, but I wouldn't tell you your games are crap. I may tell you they're not for me, but that doesn't mean they're crap. On man's trash is another man's treasure...

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#3 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

That's pretty much why I'm not compelled to get a 360 right now. There's no variety. I hope this shooter fad goes away soon.

QFT. The only game I'm actually jealous of X360 owners is Ace Combat, because I liked it on PS2. Otherwise, there's just a wealth of quality, exclusive titles across genres, on the PS consoles. There's just no answer to God of War, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter, andUnchartedon the Xbox. Splinter Cell just doesn't compare to MGS. Forza isslightly better in physics and considerably in AI, but GT to me has a better overall package. The multi-plats are just that...multi plat. Hooray, I get to play those too!

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#4 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

That's because those games show variety. All I hear about 360 is Halo, Gears, BioShock, and Mass Effect. Where's the variety there? Xbox 360 really doesn't make a compelling case for me to get one.

You sure about that?

Wouldn't have said it if I weren't.

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#5 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Why would the 360 be in second place if all the games you have played are nothing more then crappy ports that were build to be played on 360?

Because he played those games on PS3 and the Wii is kicking the 360s tail. Seems pretty simple to me.

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#6 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Lems shouldnt worry about sales because its over for them, stick with hyping games.


Who is hyping moe games then anyone right now?

I would have to guess cows, Lair, Warhawk, HS, R&C, LBP, Uncharted, MGS4, FF, GT5, KZ2......

That's because those games show variety. All I hear about 360 is Halo, Gears, BioShock, and Mass Effect. Where's the variety there? Xbox 360 really doesn't make a compelling case for me to get one.

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#7 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"]The 360 has been outselling the ps3 for around nine months without its secret weapon "halo" imagine the sales numbers of the 360 once halo 3 is released and halo fever begins. Is this the final nail in sonys coffin? discussblitzcloud

Indeed, because everyone who wants halo3 doesnt have xbox360, they have a PS3 :roll:

I would say indeed that sales are nothing, as it failed for having one whole year of lonely nextgen for itself and not getting enough consumers. If any of the other two launched alone, not having to face two rivals (although imo wii competes with ps2, rather than ps3-360) they would have crushed the situation... Microsoft didnt.

Well, better luck next time. At least we cows dont make a threads that are about "360 is doomed". Saying something is doomed repeated times just shows the weakness an fear you have towards the situation and how it is evolving

Very good post. Also, assuming the Wii is in competition w/ PS2, Lemmings know that there have only been 15 - 18 million hardcore next gen consoles sold. They know that there are some 100 million gamers out there that have not gone next gen as of yet. They fear the console those 100 million gamers are going to choose.

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#8 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

K name your top 3 games comming out this year, most wanted, and favorite games so far this gen, and make sure to name them for your console/s onlyFF-resevil-halo

I'm doing gamefly for the first time this gen. So far for PS3 I've played: Madden 07, FN: RD3, NBA 2k7, NCAA 2K7, NHL 2K7, Oblivion, Resistance, COD3, Motorstorm, and RB6: Vegas

Favorite played PS3:

1. Oblivion: Freakin loved this game. First RPG I have ever played, too. Still don't think I'd care for the turn-based stuff though.

2. God of War II: I know, a PS2 title, but I didn't play it until I got PS3 and then played the game on my PS3

3. RB6 Vegas: Bought this a few weeks ago, shortly after it released. Not a hugeFPS fan, but I don't mind 'em. Wolfenstien3D was the first shooter I ever played. I liked UT2 on PS2, loved Goldeneye on N64, the first MOH was alright, and the Doom games when I was a kid were cool. "Resistance" was fun, what I played of it. I really like "RB6 Vegas". I like the tactical FPS more than any other FPS type.

4. Resistance: Haven't given it the chance it deserves. Bought my PS3 in Feb / March, along with FOM. Joined Gamefly shortly after. Again, not real big on FPS, but got busy with Oblivioin and forgot about Resistance. Will definitely pick it back up down the road...likely a long road though.

Top 3 for this year:

1. Ratchet and Clank: I've loved this series since I first played "Going Commando". Can play through them multiple times, as Challenge mode is really where it's at in First player. "Deadlocked" never happened. ItNEVER happened. Let's move on...

2. Uncharted: I was a little late to the PSX party. Rented 1 of the Tomb Raiders and liked it, but never got real deep into it. Hopefully, this title will help me get over what I had missed, and will likely be better. Tomb Raider sure was clunky and hard to control.

3. Guitar Hero 3: This should probably be 1a or 2. Again, another game I was late on. Little bro (lives in another state) got me hooked on this one onlya few weeks ago.Was always hesitant to play it because I knew I'd suck, after watching him play on Hard and Expert.My PS2 is no longer, so I'm anxiouslywaiting on GH III to really be able to dive into.

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#9 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

This has to be one of the more civil threads I've seen in SW in a while.

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#10 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

lol xbox team got there crap together and lauched a year ealy. well ps 2 is still doing well last time i checked so why on earth did sony put out the ps 3 to make sure 360 was not way ahead sony was not ready and in sails of the ps 2 people are ready either. of course xbox team crap together they had to by droping the xbox like it never was made not even make there new console backwards compable. sorry guys no more xbox here is the 360 though. we jump the gun and made a 33% failure rate system. lol do you really now why that the wii and the 360 is beating ps 3 in sales. because they have no chioce but to buy the newconsoles because they don't make games for xbox and gamecube. but guess who does so alot of people will keep ther eps 2 and wait for price drops or games.GARRYTH

Though I could only understand about half of what you stated, you make a wonderful point that I had not considered in the past. I've always contended that there are 80+ million PS2 gamers waiting to make the jump to the PS3, I had not put the system support lifecycle together as you have. It's very true, too. If you're a lemming or a sheep, you really had little choice but to adopt the next gen. Support of the Gamecube and Xbox were dropped so quickly, you really had no choice. Wait to adopt next gen and be left with no new games to play, or buy a Wii/ Xbox 360, respectively. Meanwhile, PS2 has enjoyned fantastic support after the release of the PS3, to the PS3s current detriment. But once Sony and 3rd parties switch their support to 100% on the PS3, the sales, I believe, will rack up.