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#1 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

It sure will be fun.... as much fun as say... a trip to the fair to ride on, umm..... bumpercars! NOW THATS SOME FUN!Zandeus

It's only bumper cars if you have absolutely no skill and chose to play that way. I can name a few other racers that are like playing bumper cars. This strawman argument gets old. I'd like to see you play bumper cars during the F1 races, or any of the other Super license races, and still compete. It's not happening. Thanks for trying though.

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#2 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Lemmings need to realizethat not everyone shares the same gaming tastes. Honestly, if I wanted to play Bioshock, Halo, or Mass Effect, I would have purchased a 360. I, however, do not. You guys have to be the most abrasive group on this forum.

I have no desire to play the Wii either, but I'm not going to start 50 threads claiming how lousy the Wii is. Are PS3 owners/ Cowsplaying the waiting game for big name exclusives? Certainly. I'm not going to start 50 threads knocking the quality and quantity of their exclusives.

Halo has sold, all iterations combined, around 22 - 23 million units. The PS2 has sold around 130,000,000 units. Clearly the gaming world as a whole really doesn't care much about Halo. There are other things out there....things not FPS...that people enjoy. I hope you enjoy your console, whatever you own. Just leave the rest of us alone about the console choice we made. We made said choice for a reason. PS3 owners don't mind waiting for their heavy hitting titles. Wii owners don't mind not having 1080p or stellar online. Hell, I don't think I've even played my PS3 online yet. I just don't care about online play.

The point is, get on your console and enjoy it. I don't understand why you guys have so much time to start bash threads when you allegedly have so many good games to play.

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#3 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

I think the problem is that we/they don't care or agree with your God Mod decree, not that we haven't read it.


the point i was referring to was 100% fact based. :|

I haven't read it. I don't really care what the 360 has or what is coming to the PC. RTS and FPS, to me, are the only genres where the Xbox 360 is clearly superior to the Playstation console. And to respond to your "The xbox 360 exlusive lineup is superior to PS3's as of today", again, I don't care. I didn't go to college because it helped me 'today', I went because it was to benefit me down the road. I didn't buy a new car thinking, "Where will this get me today." I was thinking, "Where will this car get me 5 years from now." The main problem I have with threads like this is that they show no forward thinking. Most of the things we do today are to benifit us down the road. I don't put 22% of my salary into a retirement account so that I can cash in today, I'm looking to the future. That's what PS3 owners are saying...I'm looking to the future, not today. Today is over tomorrow.

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#4 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Yea, and the PS3 doesn't have ANY good exclusives :roll: You fanboys are so weak. With your argument, I can laugh at you and tell you the PC ownz all consoles. But I wont, because that would be dumb. and so it your argument.

The PS3 doesn't have any superb by System Wars standard exclusives, correct?

As far as PC is concerned, if it were even to be considered in this (Which I guess it can, if we do something like... Count games that've launched on PC since Xbox 360's launch date) then I think the Xbox 360 and PC are very close in terms of quality of games. PC fans will have my guts for that but I think it's fair to say that the 360 has (and the PS3 will probably be capable of) keeping up with PC's in terms of what games they can handle (as evidenced by things like Half Life 2: Orange Box). PC has a few more exclusives based on things like controls just basically requiring a keyboard to be fun and the like, but when I made this thread it was only my intention to compare PS3 and 360, the two newest consoles that're still trying to do the "traditional" way of gaming, as it were, and trying to be "powerhouses".

What are these 'System Wars standards' of which you speak? I didn't see a Sticky anywhere establishing any standards for these forums. This isn't baseball. As far as I knew, there were no unwritten rules to system wars. Care to enlighten us as to your particular standards, as I guarantee yours and mine will differ wildly?

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#5 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="blitzcloud"][QUOTE="Newnab"]I remember we had AAA's 9 months into 360's lifecycle.Newnab

Yet you forget there wasnt competition at all. Perfect Dark zero, now? a 7 at best.

Why does competition matter? Great games are great games and Gamespot's review system doesn't translate across all systems. If it did, all Wii games would score like **** for having bad graphics.

Let me preface this by saying that I'm not calling you stupid (I don't want Casey blindly swinging the Ban hammer because someone can't tell when they are being called stupid and their statment is being called stupid). I'll reserve judgement for the time being on whether or not you are technically stuipid yourself.

With that out of the way, asking what competition matters is a stupid question. If Xbox360 has no other console against which to compare the games, it is going to have an enormous bearing on the scores of their games. GTA III, for example, scored higher than San Andreas. Does that mean GTA III (some would argue that it is) was a better game than San Andreas? Of course not. There was nothingyou could compare GTA IIIagainst. If San Andreas and GTA III had been released at the same time, by different companies, which would have scored higher?

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#6 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

PlayStation 3's current lifecycle: 9 Months. Do you remember what 360 fans were hyping 9 months into its lifecycle? Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Saint's Row.....


I remember we had AAA's 9 months into 360's lifecycle.

The three I listed were listed because they're recent. The thread is about PS3 fans bashing 360 games and, well, I don't think anyone is going back and bashing Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1, are they? The three games I listed (along with a note saying "And a whole host of others", incase you missed it) were listed because they're still at the forefront of everyone's minds.

Nice spin on things by focusing on the small deliberately recent selection I highlighted, but, I'm afraid you're going to have to do a lot better than that sir. Even if your little buddies are already jumping in with the "/threads" and the "owned" very prematurely.

I get sick of saying this on a daily basis... AAA games aren't always enjoyable. Just because somenerd GS reviewer gave a game a 9.5 doesn't mean you, or me, or anyother random person are going to enjoy the game. I've played plenty of AAAs that I didn't like. Final Fantasy? I wouldn't touch those games. Freedom Figthers? It was fun for about an hour. Frankly, I'll take a game like RB6: Vegas over Halo any day. Just because a game is AAA doesn't mean it's any fun for any given gamer.

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#7 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts
Considering the Cell was jointly created by 3 companies and is planned tobe used in applications outside of the PS3 (IBM Mainframes, Samsung HDTVs, etc), the PS3s future has little bearing on the Cell's use outside of video game consoles.
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#8 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts
I would have to completely disagree. I would say Lemmings are, by FAR, the most insecure about thier consoles. Why the need to start threads bashing all things PS3 and Wii? Lemmings definitely have an inferiority complex that they bring with them to system wars. I don't know if it's insecurity or immaturity, but 360 fans are the most annoying fanboys I've ever encountered, and that includes other types of forums that I visit (skiing, mixed martial arts, major sports,etc)
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#9 bforrester
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Mass Effect will be overrated too cuz it will likely to score 9,5 average?...

Bioshock has given me the best single player fps experience ever.


I get sick of this argument. Bioshock has given you THE BEST SINGLE PLAYER FPS EXPERIENCE EVER, huh? To quote a wise man, "That's like, your opinion, man." FPS games aren't my cup of tea. Your results may vary. You can have Bioshock. Personally, I have no desire to play it, Mass Effect, Gears, or Halo.

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#10 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts
I'm going with that one level (can't remember the name)from Goldeneye on N64 with Proximity mines. there is no challenger.