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#1 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

We sure do have a lot of nitpickers on here. Have none of you ever done a thing called, "Changing your mind"? Take multiple SKUs, for example. Perhaps months after making the statment Sony realize, "This console is costing more to manufacture than we anticipated. At a $599 price point, we may be well advised to offer a slightly stripped down model to bring more customers in."

That's not a lie. A lie is whenyou purposely deceive someone. You guys need to check your dictionaries, because a lot of you don't even know what constitutes a lie.

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#2 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts
GTA > Halo
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#3 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts
Boredom at work...
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#4 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

i agree with the tc. the ps3 is the xbox of this gen. i bought an xbox at launch, and it didn't pay off until at least a year and a half. granted, the xbox eventually surpassed the ps2 imo (which is the only difference... the ps3 won't be better than the 360), but looking back i was just like a cow is now, jumping all over a release that shows has any chance of being good. ps2 gamers (and now lemmings) had more than enough quality games to go around.depresedmichfan

The Xbox eventually surpassed the PS2...that's priceless! That's truly sig worthy. What color are the skies in your your opinion of course. LMAO!!! I needed that, it's been a long day at the office.

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#5 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="bforrester"]Another fanboy thread by accameron...imagine that! Seriously dude, why are you so worried about the PS3? Are you that insecure about your 360 that you have to create a daily bash thread on the PS3 to make you feel better about your console of choice? You realize it makes you seem like a loser in many eyes, don't you?accameron

Please don't call me names. That is bannable, you know.

I didn't call you a name. If you want to infer something said that wasn't, please feel free to whine and report me. If your skin is too thin to handle the impression you give, then I suggest you change your methods. I may SEEM like a jerk (and feel free to tell me I seem like anything you want...I'm not a baby...I won't report you), but that's neither here no there.

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#6 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts
Another fanboy thread by accameron...imagine that! Seriously dude, why are you so worried about the PS3? Are you that insecure about your 360 that you have to create a daily bash thread on the PS3 to make you feel better about your console of choice? You realize it makes you seem like a loser in many eyes, don't you?
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#7 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="Riviera_Phantom"]I agree sheep make love to sales data. It's pathetic. Wii should not be selling as well as it is, but then again i give creit to Nintendo for appealing to grandma's. I don't think it's hardcore gamers(nintendo fans aside) buying Wii's every month.birdman2111

What does it matter if it's casual or hardcore gamers buying the Wii? Casuals make up 90+% of the gaming populace. Hardcores don't push consoles and don't really matter a lot to console makers. Seriously, we casual gamers look down on hardcore gamers big time. You guys know exactly how we view you.

HAHA, casual on a gaming forum? If you think people dont look at you the way u look at hardcore gamers, you're deluded...

The difference is, I'm not offended when a gamer looks down on me because I don't spend a disproportionate amount of my time obsessing over graphics, and gameplay. Casual gamers a bit more well-rounded in their lives. I played football in High School. I wasn't in the marching band. I picked on you guys when I was a kid, not the other way around. At the end of the day, gamers have their consoles to go home to. I have a girl friend to come home to.

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#8 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

I agree sheep make love to sales data. It's pathetic. Wii should not be selling as well as it is, but then again i give creit to Nintendo for appealing to grandma's. I don't think it's hardcore gamers(nintendo fans aside) buying Wii's every month.Riviera_Phantom

What does it matter if it's casual or hardcore gamers buying the Wii? Casuals make up 90+% of the gaming populace. Hardcores don't push consoles and don't really matter a lot to console makers. Seriously, we casual gamers look down on hardcore gamers big time. You guys know exactly how we view you.

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#9 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

overrated right now!!!!! I bought a PS3 about two months ago and had to keep finding ways to convince myself that I made the right choice. I bought its best games....RFoM, Motorstorm, NG Sigma, R6 Vegas and tried a few others. I bought BluRay movies and although my HDTV is an older model that goes only to 1080i the picture did look very nice. At the same time I kept asking myself is this really $150 better than the XBOX 360? The answer I came up with is no way! The 360 has equivelent hardware, a much bigger and better games library and even at $50 a year I'd rather log into XBOX Live anyday over PSN!! So I traded my PS3 in for a 360 and feel much better for doing it!

Then I started to look at the games coming out for each console. While alot of games sound like they could be fun...aka Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and Warhawk, Ihad to askmyself what games do I truely enjoy. Well my 3 favorite games/franchises of all time are Halo, KOTOR and Madden. So at the end of the day, Halo 3, Mass Effect and Madden 08(proven better on 360) win out over anything on the PS3 with ease! Now that being said, KZ 2 and MGS 4 have me highly pumped in 2008, but when are we talking here....holidays 2008? Most likely! Id say its a given that these two games are an easy 6 months from completion at best. UT 3 looks fun as heck, but its coming to 360 in early 2008.

At the end of the day, both consoles offer alot, but right now owning a PS3 to me is simply not worth it. This time next year with MGS 4, KZ 2 and other games, plus a real price drop...C'mon Sony hit that magical $399 and I will buy in again!!


Why did you bother buying a PS3 when your favorite games/franchises are 360 exclusive (other than Madden, which I don't think has been any good for 4 years now)? Why did you bother making this thread? We ALL know the PS3s current shortcomings. Frankly, I don't care what you want in a console. If you already owned a 360, you made an especially questionable purchase picking up a PS3.

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#10 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="JiveT"]Yeah the price needs to come down. But even if it does its a big so what. They aren't offering anything worthwhile to the consumer. accameron

uh hes talking abou the 2008 line up on the title...but he doesnt mention mgs4 lbp kz2 or anything...he doesnt mention all the awsome games coming to the ps3...if this was the other way around this would have already been called out by lemmings

Ok, let's mention MGS4, LBP, and KZ2. Other than a few hardcore fans of MGS, and some people interested in what LBP and KZ2 have to offer, they will still not sell a lot of systems. Yes, even the mighty MGS4 will not sell many more consoles. MGS is kind of a more "mainstream niche" title anyway. PS3 doesn't even have the superior versions of sports titles, for goodness sake! We might see s bump in sales around the time big games like MGS4 are released, but overall, it will not matter in the longrun. Price matters SO much to MOST people (i.e. the people who decide console races, the casuals), unlike us spoiled videogame nerds.

Yet you STILL fail to mention the biggest selling Sony 1st party title in existence....Gran Turismo. By the time GT, KZ, MGS4, andLBP are out, GTA will also be (hopefully) available. GT traditionally sells 12+ million a title. With all of those great games and a bona fide system seller in GT, what does the PS3 sales future have to worry about?