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#1 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Would Sony ever do that to their PS3 early adopters, who got screwed over with a really early-in-the-lifespan price drop? No way. Who possibly could see yet ANOTHER price drop before the holidays? No way. Apple might not make the most reliable or scratch-free products, but I really like it when companies man up to their mistakes/decisions. Kind of like MS with the 3 year warranty thing- manning up.


Manning up? That's called 'Avoiding a class action lawsuit'. Considering the early Xbox 360 adopters have to pray that their console RRODs in the next 8 months or so just so that their console will be replaced, I wouldn't call that a good thing. Tell me, when your 3 year RROD warranty (that's what it should be called, as that's all the warranty covers), what are you going to do when your Xbox fails?

Yet another fanboy thread by accameron...then again, I wouldn't expect any less.

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#2 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Let's see....PS2 sales: 130,000,000

Xbox360 sales: 11,500,000 (roughly)

PS3 Sales: 4,750,000 (roughly)

Wii Sales: 12,000,000 (roughly)

By my calculations there are still, at least, 100,000,000 gamers that have yet to adopt a next gen console. Nice try though.


do you really think that the 100,000,000 people are obliged to follow sony in any way. Most of them are casuals who just want a good console.

And most of them have owned the PS1 and the PS2. This means that they already are familiar with many of the big Sony exclusive franchises, not to mention the hardware itself (think Dual analog controller). Personally, I wasn't tempted by the Origianal Xbox, as were many others as the sales numbers would suggest, because I wanted to play the games not found on other consoles.

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#3 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="chulomex3"]360, anyone who gets a PS3 is not right in the head. Wait till 09 to get a PS3 by then it will have a decent library.msalz1

LOL NO!!!!! Everyone who gets a 360 is a poor deluded, mistaken fool. PS3 owners are wise indeed. The PS3 has the best features, online and games. Don't be converted.

Really what games?? I have a PS3 and I have 2 games cause the rest suck. And I pray that HS will be good....

You obviously also have an Xbox 360 as well, so the Multi-plats you've probably already played on your Xbox. For someone that doesn't own multiple consoles, the PS3 and it's library are just fine.

Indeed I do...but why buy a PS3 with some of the games of the 360 when you can have them all??? And the only games you are missing out right now on 360 are RFoM and Motorstorm and a couple others that are ok. All the other games are ports from 360 and don't look or plays as good. If I could have done it again I would have waited to MGS4 came out and then bought my PS3...who knows I might have been able to get 160g PS3 for the same price by the time it comes out at the pace sony is going right now with their systems.

Because the 360 doesn't offer the games I want to play in the future. I don't put money into 401(k) so that I can befefit now, I'm looking to the future. The games I want to play don't come out on Xbox. I don't want to play Bioshock or Halo, I want to play Ratchet and Clank, and GT, and Metal Gear, and Twisted Metal, and God of War, and on, and on, and on. Frankly, Xbox just doesn't offer the games I want to play.

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#4 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="jimm895"]The biggest problem of not haveing the games is all because the developers are still learning to use the technology in the PS3. This also happened with the PS2 when it was released (although the developers were able to get a handle on things quicker than now). HSYOON_1

hahahahhaha post of the year. Are you seriously so blind?? The hardware is why lair and almost everyother game on the PS3 has flopped? ahahhahaa o man.

I think ur the one thats seriously blind because hes right. thats why EA will now build there game on the ps3 and port it over to 360. Theres been countless articles about the devs not having enough time with the ps3 dev kit. SO OPEN UR EYES!!

wait wait wait.. EA is gonna start developing on the PS3 first now? you mean like this year's football & hockey games. why would EA spend more time and money on a version that has the smallest user-base?

Well, let's see. It doesn't take an aeronautical engineer to figure out that the PS3 will eventually surpass the Xbox 360 in sales at some point this generation. Debate this all you want, but it'll happen. Put this in your sig and smoke it. Anyway, why wouldn't they put more effort into the console that they're currently having difficulty with while they seemingly have the coding for the Xbox figured out?

it doesn't take an aeronautical engineer???? where are you pulling this cystal ball out of? Logic says in order for sony tocatch up the 360 or even surpass it, Sony would have to start selling twice as much every monthand pray that 360 stop selling entirely.

360=11.5M PS3=4.5M. PS3 has been out since November, and it's only sold abour 4.5 million. so if they started to sell TWICE the amount for the next 9 monthes, while the 360 sells ZERO units, they would finally catch up, let alone surpass them in sales.

also add the fact that the only HOPE cows have this yearare R&C and Dude Raider (we all know HS and Lair Flopped) while 360 owners are playing Halo3, Mass Effect, and PGR4. i dont' know. Your telling me that PS3 will surpass 360 when it needs to sell double the amount as the 360 while MS sells ZERO. Please think before you post next time.

and next time you try to sound smart "with aeronautical engineer"use some logic. Sony has a hard battle ahead of them, and their 07 lineup is the weakest of the 4. Lair and HS would have seriously helped, but we all know how that went down.

Just make sure that when it happens, you still have that in your sig to make you feel less intelligent that you obviously believe you are. Considering the Wii sales in Japan are bound to taper off with the pace that which it's selling, the PS3 will pick up big time when the library starts to catch up. You act like the world LOVES the xbox, while it's only selling well in North America. You have a rather narrow view on what comprises the gaming public, as you seem to operate in this vaccuum that is System Wars, dominated by North Americans and their love for the Xbox. While the PS3 has only had a price cut in North America, it is outselling the Xbox, CURRENTLY, worldwide. After Halo, what game franchises does the Xbox have to pick up additional sales after the North American market dries up? Meanwhile, the PS STILL hasn't released a single system seller. Again, your vision of the future is very narrow and very flawed. What's funny is that the PS3 has kept pace with the 360s sales numbers through the same span of it's life, with a $600 price tag and no killer apps, and 2 consoles with which to compete. Meanwhile, the PS2 is STILL outselling the Xbox 360, and has done so every month of the 360s life. Man, you really didn't factor too manyvariables into your equation, did you?

Thanks for trying though. I appreciate a debate, no matter how weak the other side's ability.

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#5 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Personally, I think you're on the right track, Andy. I went with the PS3 for many of the reasons you have stated. The hardware issues with the 360 are what really kept me from considering the console. I'm like you, a semi-casual gamer. I buy maybe 4 or 5 games a year, and I use mine as my primary movie player (much as I did my PS2). Blu-Ray has a wider variety of movies from which to select as well. You won't get nickel and dimed for services you may want, like online and downloadable content (DLC). Sony allows Devs to offer DLC for free, while MS requires they charge for it. You'll probably see a greater variety of quality games in different genres too. What game does the Xbox have to compete with Ratchet and Clank? Uncharted? God of War? Shooters aren't everything, afterall.

It's all a matter of taste. For 360 fans, they can't fathom why someone would chose the PS3, and vice versa where PS fans are concerned.


You're "while MS requires they charge for it" commeant is 100% false, and clearly proves you do not own a 360. Why even post?

I guess Game Informer was lying in their article about Devs trying to offer free content and MS not allowing it. And you're right, I don't own a 360. I don't know what I may have said that would lead one to believe otherwise. Why even post? Because I was letting the TC know that I was in a similar situation, with the same gaming desires, and came to the same conclusion. Why are YOU posting? You've obviously said nothing at all that relates to the thread itself. You found exception with something I said. How does that help the TC? You like calling the kettle 'black', don't you?

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#6 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

[QUOTE="chulomex3"]360, anyone who gets a PS3 is not right in the head. Wait till 09 to get a PS3 by then it will have a decent library.msalz1

LOL NO!!!!! Everyone who gets a 360 is a poor deluded, mistaken fool. PS3 owners are wise indeed. The PS3 has the best features, online and games. Don't be converted.

Really what games?? I have a PS3 and I have 2 games cause the rest suck. And I pray that HS will be good....

You obviously also have an Xbox 360 as well, so the Multi-plats you've probably already played on your Xbox. For someone that doesn't own multiple consoles, the PS3 and it's library are just fine.

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#7 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

The most over rated:

  1. Tekken
  2. God of War
  3. Rachet and Clank
  4. Socom
  5. Final Fantasy
  6. Metal Gear


Let me guess, the best ever are Bioshock, Halo, Forza, and Gears of War? You couldn't be any more blantant a fanboy.

Don't know much about gaming, do you? A game franchise has to be more then 2.

I'll take

  1. Zelda - the only horrible ones were the CDi knock off and Majoras Mask
  2. Super Mario - With all of the innovative spinoffs and redefinitions, this franchise defines gaming.
  3. Metroid
  4. Sonic
  5. Mega man - Before the 3d.
  6. Castlevania - even if the transition to 3d has never helped. The old school games were always hits.

My bad, I knew you were a fanboy, I just got the system wrong. Mega Man, Castlevania and Sonic...LMAO!

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#8 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

Personally, I think you're on the right track, Andy. I went with the PS3 for many of the reasons you have stated. The hardware issues with the 360 are what really kept me from considering the console. I'm like you, a semi-casual gamer. I buy maybe 4 or 5 games a year, and I use mine as my primary movie player (much as I did my PS2). Blu-Ray has a wider variety of movies from which to select as well. You won't get nickel and dimed for services you may want, like online and downloadable content (DLC). Sony allows Devs to offer DLC for free, while MS requires they charge for it. You'll probably see a greater variety of quality games in different genres too. What game does the Xbox have to compete with Ratchet and Clank? Uncharted? God of War? Shooters aren't everything, afterall.

It's all a matter of taste. For 360 fans, they can't fathom why someone would chose the PS3, and vice versa where PS fans are concerned.

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#9 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

360, anyone who gets a PS3 is not right in the head. Wait till 09 to get a PS3 by then it will have a decent library.chulomex3

Anyone that buys a console that has multiple sources of hardware failue isn't right in the head. What're you 360 fans going to do when the RROD (not the only issue with the system) warranty runs out? Frankly, I expect to be able to enjoy my console for longer than 3 years. To each his own, I guess.

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#10 bforrester
Member since 2003 • 481 Posts

The most over rated:

  1. Tekken
  2. God of War
  3. Rachet and Clank
  4. Socom
  5. Final Fantasy
  6. Metal Gear


Let me guess, the best ever are Bioshock, Halo, Forza, and Gears of War? You couldn't be any more blantant a fanboy.