@lorddaggeroff: kinect’s best customers have beeen the scientific community. There’s prototypes for watching premature babies without a need for leads. Checks temp, that they’re breathing, the works.
@bakula: now I want you to go watch JJ’s Star Trek movies and ask yourself if integrity of the franchise has ever bothered him, and before you say it, he’s still producing, directing the next one, and very much involved. He doesn’t understand anything beyond the superficial in anything he touches. And for some reason can comprehend distances, or that they’re called “spaceships” for a reason.
Oh and here’s another spoiler based purely on analysis. Leia was going to save them both in Ep 9 from the dark side, making it “her movie”. Please also note that I criticize this because the entire story is stupid, and in gross violation of the franchise, not because Carrie Fisher is a woman before anyone tries that one. Leia is a badass and deserved her final time to shine, in a much better movie
Luke turns I’d the dark side. Count on it. It’s going to be as terrible as the last one. Also there’s likely a tree that gave birth to force Jesus and Sith Satan. Guess who Rey and Kylo are second comings of?
Don’t know for a fact. All signs point that I’m probably right.
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