@joshrmeyer: no, that's just numbers someone pulled out of their ass. Where's your benchmarks?
I'll tell you where it came from. NVIDIA sell sheets after they burned one in the lab. Since you didn't know, and don't know anything about electronics design, I'll explain it to you.
Here is an extensive piece on the Tegra X1, which IS NOT APPLICABLE TO THR SWITCH. Why? Because these are lab numbers, not in a portable, confined device that must take TDP and battery life into account. This is for a chip that is on the GPU alone, while docked, is downclocked 25% from those benchmarks. You see, people who know what they're talking about know how to calculate just based on the published figure, as the piece illustrates
Finally, let’s talk about clockspeeds and expected performance. While NVIDIA is not officially publishing the GPU clockspeeds for the X1, based on their performance figures it’s easy to figure out. With NVIDIA’s quoted (and promoted) 1 TFLOPs FP16 performance figure for the X1, the clockspeed works out to a full 1GHz for the GPU (1GHz * 2 FP 16 * 2 FMA * 256 = 1 TFLOPs).
But that's only for FP16 operations, which are not useful for complex operations. Here's a great thread on the subject. The switch goes down to 500GFLOPS for thr gaming crucial FP32, and forget FP64.
Using just fp16 as a benchmark, which fanboys like you use because you don't know anything, comparing real world performance to a highly narrow spec, Lets measure Scorpio under the same criteria.
That's right. Double. The same BS claims were made on the PSPRO calling it 8TF. The same bullshit applies to the Xbox One if you claim its 2.7, and the PS4 3.6. Which no one in the real world does.
The Switch has real world performance in the 350-400GFLOP range, well above the X360 and WiiU, not even close to Xbox one. Deal with it.
Now apologize, and admit I'm right and you're wrong.
@joshrmeyer: documented where? Provide a link. All I see is "speculative" articles full of rumors you hate so much. None of them containing any math or speculation based on the actual specs that are known to be true. And none of those are using actual benchmarks. Then there are the ones claiming it's got a gtx 1060 inside and 8GB of RAM. And that it's more powerful than PS4. Give me a direct benchmarking of an actual Nintendo Switch. Not the Tegra X1 chip being kverclocked or run by NVIDIA engineers. Independent third party benchmarks.
You have absolutely no clue about electronics, industrial design or thermal design even before we get to your cluelessness about retail. Here's a place to start. 15W docked....itty bitty living space.
@joshrmeyer: they were not speculating. It came from a dev kit and estimations were made using the well benchmarked Tegra X1 processor that the switch runs on, which has been seriously doenclocked to meet their TDP and battery requirements. In the best case docked scenario, the Switch might pull 500GFLOPS. THe Xbox One is 1.3TFLOPS. Now those of us who can actually do math know that that means it's not even halfway there, you don't know what you're talking about, and your constant attempts to turn the religious zealot thing on me are dishonest. You're simply an apologetic with an emotional attachment to Nintendo youncant let go of. You don't know what you're talking about in the slightest, and the continued repeating of the gospel doesn't change these facts you skip over.
@joshrmeyer: no I fight religion, and you should try NOT giving a Nintendo game, even the ones who deserve a bad review, less than 9 or ten and watch the fanboys descend. It's not selling well, it's selling
Redictably for Nintendo. You really don't understand anything about thr actual business.
Actually it's less powerful, but real world is probably about the same http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-nintendo-switch-spec-analysis
@joshrmeyer: the only thing they made on the switch is the joycons. You mean they buy it. It's just an NVIDIA Shieldmeith some retrofitting because NVIDIA wanted back into the console market.
@joshrmeyer: and in two years, when the fad has died and the church has their switches, thinkmof me when there's no third party games and all the "what happened" pieces are running. It doesn't matter if they have billions today. Twenty years from now they won't have them after repeated console launches that fail to generate meaningful income. A console launch costs $1.5-$2 billion. Thry don't have the ecosystem to make that up. Nor are they going to in their current position, thyebwere in such a rush to launch the th thing, and considered features so unimportant they didn't even implement Netflix and other video DRM standards. They didn't put in a hardware sound mixer. These are basic features people expect. It's incompetence. And their game of shorting supply is sad, and costing them milk s of dollars eith no real world gain. By the time they stop shorting supply (and yes, they underestimated how much they could short, their supply issues are just catching up with the short they should have done). The fad will die, and people will buy a new phone or tablet instead
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