big_pimpin_99's forum posts
Kotaku have reported taht on the Star Wars Force Unleashed site theirr is a very funny looking PS# controller: LINK
Rumblle? Ripoff
This is starting to become ridiculous, the graphics are great
, but seriously cows are literally going crazy
To me it looks like the bullet has JUST hit the wall..
but i have to say im INCREDIBLY dissapointed... i WAS a cow back in 2005 and i bought into the killzone 2 hype.. i truly thought it was gonna leave big dirty skidmarks on the competition... but i later became a manticore. so i could experience ALL the gameing glories...BUT THEN...this morning i wake up to find this picture staring me in the face :/ FEAR looks far better than this.. Sony are KILLING themselves... (or Guerrilla are killing them.. either way) And i have to say i havent actually been this underwhelmed in AGES... Ninja Gaiden Sigma trumps on this game from a height.
Even when i was a cow i did'nt believe the hype, have you played killzone 1, and then played HAlo, it's the most stark juxtaposition ever.
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