big_pimpin_99's forum posts
(This is what 10 year olds are like when they get angry.)
This is also why I dont have Xbox live because there are so many whiney babies like him.
Hey man he is a NWA an, a fan of Eazy E you know for a fact that means he's got 'tude(!)
Ps3 gets sales because it's a good console
im kinda mad they went so dark. even the city seen looks to dark to be the city. the light on the buildings looks to not light up anything. i now ninjas come out at night but just like devil may cry 2 it was so dark you could not see what your fighting. graphics looks good though because it will look good in motion. i wish they would lighten it up alittle.
as fast as the combact is being dark your guy is going to blend in the back ground.
this why i liked heavily sword so much because of the brightness of it.
and the person who said that heavily sword looks like a ps 2 game is so so so wrong.
It's the first level, as more levels are previewed I'm sure different sceneries will become apparent
I don;t like Hindi movies or music, more of a Punjab film/music man myself. I did like : Kuchkuch Hota Hai, and Bhagban.
IMO Sunny Deol>>> Bollywood actors
The first three screens you've posted are pretty much the oldest screens available I think.verbalfilth
The shots accompany the preview
CVG Preview Day 1 is here: (System Wars)(CVG)
(New) screens are up today from the 2nd (Preview) level. Please read the preview it's not all about graphics.
Loads more in the preview.
CVG :"All in then Team Ninja has taken a good long look at the save and health functions. It's clearly listened and taken on board a few community suggestions. And while the fast, stylish combat remains untouched, the Japanese developer has bolted on a few new features that we reckon will allow more people to get more out of Ninja Gaiden"
Im kind of dissappointed graphically of this game, I mean seriously when atagaki said that if he were to make a ninja gaiden 2 he would feel sorry because he would put other devs to shame but im being honest, graphically heavenly sword makes ninja gaiden look like last gen.
Besides the graphics I am still going to grab this game because I know one thing team ninja will not dissappoint in and that is making the gameplay intense and smooth as butter and will have some crazy new moves for us. It will be awesome as alwayz.
I really disagree, maybe it's not putting other devs to shame but it's still really good. I mean if you look at that cutscene Tokyo looks amazing in the background, and the human blood looks really good as well.
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