im waiting for like mafia 3, a new homefront, and a new fallout and elderscrolls not the mmo
bigcity23's forum posts
yea I have never really gotten into playstation online but PS+ looks good, even though it is 5 bucks a month which is hella cheap
the original Black Ops was good, and I loved the modern warfare campaigns and I will probably get killzone. Played 2 and loved it, never played 3 though. My favorite story lines of any game have to be Heavy Rain (Amazing) and Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots
oh dude I know. I always get it in the 360 the day its out. I love manager mode, but I want to try FUT
you know Battlefield online is good, but I love campaigns and at least COD can always put out a decent one. Though ghosts seems...odd and black ops 2 was god awful
good man, just get rid of that italy patch and we're all good! haha im jacked for Fifa to use my boys in blue #CFC
no more assassins creed's for me. 3 was okay, 2 was the best but to me its played out and the main story kind of finished it looks like. but for me: Killzone, Cod, Fifa, watch dogs, maybe battlefield. Not too many ps4 games coming out yet, but better than the ps3 Launch. But I am still getting GTA and Beyond 2 souls for the ps3
but very excited. what are some games you lot are getting at the launch?
but they only play cod and madden on live. I am not getting the one, I am getting the 4 because i dont need a machine to watch tv, on my tv. just hope playstation live is much better
ill just get fifa at the start and wait till x mas. still going to get ps3 games like gta, beyond 2 souls and possibly blacklist. for the ps4 i want watch dogs, cod ghost, killzone, Metal gear solid 5, the division and maybe battlefield
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