and im only a few missions in. These strike force missions are stupid and the story is just poor. Not to mention the online is garbage, waste of 60 bucks
Hey guys I played the first max payne with my brother when i was younger but never really got into the 2nd one. I was thinking about buying this one for the campaign as i only play MP on COD, is it worth it for that alone?
Hey fellow gamers, I seem to have fallen behind on the hot new games coming out this year. could someone give me a list of the hot or cool new games coming out by christmas time 2012? I know of max payne 3 which just came out (contemplating getting it), assassins creed 3, elder scrolls mmo (2013), GTA5, black ops 2 (IMO looks bad), spec ops the line, and the new hitman. What are the other awesome games I should be looking for?
Hey fellow gamers, I seem to have fallen behind on the hot new games coming out this year. could someone give me a list of the hot or cool new games coming out by christmas time 2012? I know of max payne 3 which just came out (contemplating getting it), assassins creed 3, elder scrolls mmo (2013), GTA5, black ops 2 (IMO looks bad), spec ops the line, and the new hitman. What are the other awesome games I should be looking for?
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