Blame publishers for having unrealistic expectations and impossible deadlines.
80-hour work weeks are insane and leave little time for anything else. I regularly work 60-hour work weeks, of my own volition, and that's rough enough. Plus, I probably make much less than Amy. I'd work 80-hour work weeks today while I'm young if it set me up for the future.
@ultramanknight: I don't think he did really. He has a point. Soule seems disgruntled about them using what is essentially their own property, even though it was created by him.
Most of us are aware of the many, many covers out there for Skyrim music. A lot of those are great pieces of music, so warning off fans because he's not involved is a little over the top.
@streamline: Human beings function in much the same way, with electrical connections in our brains. The only difference is human beings also use chemical connections to bridge the gaps. Our personality, cognitive functions, motor functions, etc., all stem from these connections. Since these connections grow organically, I suppose you could say they are programmed by nature.
Is the fact that our "programming" is organic and that of an AI is actively programmed by humans (at the moment) make that much difference when the AI is able to feel emotion? I don't see the difference. At some point, assuming we survive that long as a species, humans will be able to "build" and "program" actual human beings. I'm not sure what the naysayers will say then.
@cherub1000: You probably like the same kind of gameplay as I do. I'm okay rushing in some missions, but certainly not all of them! They went way overkill with the timers.
Mods make the game so much better. It's the primary reason I switched to PC as my "console" of choice. PCs come with their own headaches and costs, but the freedom in gaming makes up for it. I imagine Sony and Microsoft will do more to allow modding on their consoles in the future, so hopefully you'll be in luck for XCOM 3!
We don't think of the moral repercussions of swatting a fly or squashing a bug either. You see, life (virtual or otherwise) isn't important to us. What's important to us is significantly meaningful life. The ability for higher cognitive functions, such as emotion and abstract thinking, is what concerns us. Hence why we place more importance in fellow human beings and other mammals.
Therefore, I imagine we'll start caring more about robots when they are able to feel emotions like pain, love, and happiness, and when they are able to think creatively.
After all, human beings are biological machines that are absolutely analogous to mechanical machines. Our "soul" is just the result of various biological structures that have grown to make us what we are. There's no difference between us and a true AI except that an AI is fabricated.
BigDegs' comments