I agree, I think VR is going somewhere. But I've rarely been an early adopter of any new tech. I prefer to wait for it to become more sophisticated. I'm not about to spend $800 upgrading my pc, plus $800 again to buy an early version of VR tech that'll be vastly improved in only a few years...just to play some simplistic games. Yes, playing those games in VR is a cool experience, but not the gaming experience I'm looking for for $1600.
I have zero interest in Watch Dogs 2 and less interest in a multiplayer mode for it. Actually, I think I'm completely done with Ubisoft and their OCD-inducing collect-athons. Ubisoft is second-tier at making open world games IMO. Why invest so much time in bland copies of games other developers do better?
@empty_hat: Square Enix makes almost all their characters handsome/pretty. This societal fixation on women not being able to be anything else if they have a pretty face doesn't make it so.
Your obsessive list of requirements in order for you to see past a pretty face shows your bias. I mean, seriously, she can't be blue-eyed, nor blonde?
The vast majority of console gamers are still males (the media likes to distort this fact by including casual mobile gamers). And yes, developers still cater to them, if not so much as before. But gamers drive this. Most male gamers want to play as buff characters that get the attention of pretty women. Because games are fantasy, and there's nothing wrong with that.
As a Canadian, I'll just buy mine from the American site and get it 10% cheaper. Who set these prices? It's even worse for Europeans, though I wonder if tax is included???
Meh. My interest in this game has never been very high, and the more I hear about it the lower my interest goes. Actually, I've got a real hate on for JRPGs at the moment.
Is it just me, or are the majority of male characters in JRPGs overly-arrogant douches and the majority of female characters ditzy airheads?
Just going by trailers, I wouldn't be able to stand the random smart-ass comments made by my party during battle.
@gerr: Yeah, I don't think Jackson's heart was in The Hobbit. He went on record many times as saying he didn't want to do it, but somehow got roped in anyway.
The movies and books basically followed the same path. Divergent was good (not great), but it went downhill from there. I barely finished the three books, and didn't even both with "Four". I've seen the first two movies, but have no interest in seeing the other two.
They must have thought they were the new Hunger Games to break the last novel into two parts. While that series had it's own flaws, it's miles ahead of the Divergent series.
Still, I'm surprised they won't release the 4th in theatres. Why wouldn't they? Just to skip out on marketing costs? Seems like a losing proposition overall.
BigDegs' comments