Wow, they weren't even trespassing! They were on a public road, so I don't see how you could justify taking a shot at them. In what world is it okay for you to point a gun at someone and tell them not to move just because you unjustly suspect they had robbed you, without any solid evidence to back yourself up?
BTW, if I was parked in my vehicle looking at my phone, heard "don't move!" and looked up to find a guy pointing a gun at me...I'd probably try to escape as well! I'm not sure this guy should get charged with attempted murder, but he should definitely get slammed with some serious fines and perhaps some jail time.
Being honest, I wasn't a big fan of the original either. That said, perhaps this time they saved the best laughs for the film itself rather than revealing them in the trailers, but I think I chuckled once in all those trailers combined. And some jokes were just downright cringe-worthy. Not a good sign.
Knowing that professional reviewers are going to be lenient with this film because they don't want to come off as misogynistic, and the fact that the average currently stands around 6/10, I'd assume it's more like a 4/10.
I believe in Mass Effect lore that the Reapers are capable of traveling at speeds of roughly 11,000 times the speed of light, which is double what Citadel races are capable of using relay tech. At 11,000 times the speed of light (Reapers), you would reach the Andromeda galaxy in 231 years. At half that (Citadel races), it'd be 462 years.
Did the devs not say ME:A takes place 400 - 600 years after the original trilogy? Seems to me that fits quite well with relay technology. Perhaps they found a relay aimed at the Andromeda galaxy and took their chances or perhaps they found a way to re-purpose another relay for the same.
Unfortunately, it's gotten to where I have to deduct 2 points from any professional review concerning "retro" or indie games. I've found most reviewers are far too kind to such games. On the flip side, I have to add a point or two to AAA games, because they are highly critical of them. Double standard much?
For example, I recently played This War of Mine. It has a great aesthetic to it, and the gameplay is reasonably fun, excepting the poor combat. But overall I found the game rather dull. I played for a few hours, but probably will never pick it up again. Most outlets gave the game between an 8 or 9 out of 10. I'd score it a 6. Dragon Age: Inquisition also had an average review in the mid 8s. And yet, that game blows This War of Mine out of the water.
What's this double standard in reviews where a game is boosted up for being "different" or invoking nostalgia?
[SPOILERS for Force Awakens] My brother and I had a bet: I bet that one of the three original main characters (Luke, Han or Leia) would die in Abrams' trilogy. So obviously I won that bet handily! Maybe I should do double or nothing?
PR speak. That's all this is. EA is on the bandwagon of PC extremism.
As others have mentioned, no intelligent person really cares if the marketing material features a male, female or both. Honestly, they should just mix it up to avoid all the "controversies".
I'm going to play it regardless, and I'm sure plenty of other people will as well.
I'm not interested in room-scale VR experiences. I also don't want tailor-made VR games. I'm exclusively interested in VR for an immersive way to play mainstream PC games in a chair with a gamepad. That's it. I thought that's what Oculus was doing. But every new bit of detail that comes out knocks me down a peg.
1) Why does it ship with an Xbox One controller? I already have a gamepad. Why don't you just shave $50 off the price instead? But no, lets include a controller that people likely won't need.
2) And chances are they'll bundle those Touch controllers with the set once they have it ready, another controller scheme I may not want or need.
3) Whichever VR display I end up buying, I don't want the games I can play on it to be restricted. We already get enough of that exclusivity bullshit with consoles. If there's a simple way to play all Vive games on Oculus, or Oculus games on Vive, or even PS VR on either, god dammit, let it happen! Software should not be differentiated to sell hardware. Hardware should be differentiated to sell hardware. If the Vive wants to focus on room-scale VR, Oculus should focus on smaller-scale VR.
The rational that they're trying to create an ecosystem conducive to their developers and that is the reason for the exclusivity is the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard; it's the exact opposite of reality for two reasons. First, a wider market for is always better for developers. And second, that's not the real reason for exclusivity...exclusivity is to sell hardware, pure and simple.
4) A kickstarter campaign that sells out to a big corporation for $2 billion...who exactly got that cash and stock? As far as I'm concerned, those who invested in that kickstarter campaign should have received a portion of those proceeds proportional to their contribution to the project. I'm not one of those investors, but I still think they got an extremely shitty deal!
5) Having Apple's market strategy only works when you have a product like the Iphone.
6) Your launch did NOT go great: you had a huge backlog, you shipped with a placeholder controller, your price is almost double what you originally thought, and you have a massive amount of ill will clouding the launch of your flagship product. "Great" launch. On the upside, you sound just like an established developer with your BS PR well done there.
@texasgoldrush: The Crucible may have used a plot device (the Citadel) introduced earlier in the game, but the Crucible itself and the way it's introduced to us as the be-all, end-all is very convenient. I guess it depends on your perspective. Most DEMs are introduced at the end of a game, but this one was introduced in the final installment of a series, which to me makes it a DEM. Either way, they had been driving home how the Reapers were some unstoppable force that could not be defeated conventionally, which left them no other choice but to drop in this convenient plot device to save the day.
BigDegs' comments