I am 15 years old and i have 1200 dollars in my savings.
My old 4 year old fat 360 is running out of HD space(only about 50GB left out of the 120), Been thrown in the mud(don't ask),wireless adapter randomly disconnnects from live, makes wierd disk drive noises, and i just like the new look of the slim.
I know the slim came out like 2 years ago already, but i dont mind spending $250 dollars on the holiday bundle, or hell even $350 on the Halo 4 console becuase i can EASILY make that money back again by the time i need it for college(about 3 years away lol) or when i actually need the money. So money isn't a problem bacuase im good at making/managing my money.
Should i buy the Halo 4 bundle since im already getting Halo 4 and want a new xbox 360 slim or get the $250 holliday bundle or just save my money for Next-gen consoles?
I know that there probably going too announce the new consoles e3 2013 but then it might not be released till late 2013/early 2014 and even then i don't want to get the Next-gen consoles at launch because there can be problems with the sytems and not that many games to play. So i would want to wait about 1 year to purchase the next xbox/playstation. If all this im considering it true that leaves me a minimum of about 1.5-2 years to play with my current Halo 4 xbox 360 if a get it.
Thanks for reading this and please answer helpfully and don't troll
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