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binpink's forum posts
I think I'm going to watch Zoolander right now and go to bed thereafter.ExoticAnimal
Goodnight if you don't come back.
But horror movies are worth it though.:P I'm a fan of them, seen lots, many good but probably more bad ones because I would rather trust my judgement with many of them.
I however end up seeing one of the worst movies of all time...
Which is what? Not like I'd watch it.
BinPInk if you want to see a scary movie go see paranormal activity 3.
First movie in years that made me afraid of turning off my lights :P
Ha, fraidy cat! Though I will do no such thing because I can't handle any typ of scary movie. Tried a few times but it didn't go well. Will you be watching any specially for Halloween?
Well, I used to dress up and even had scary masks and such but I'm not into that anymore, just have a crapton of candy and watch some horror movies.>.>
Sounds good to me (not the scary movie part though). A nice safe holiday. Some people get crazy but that's not such a good idea, especially on a week day.
Well that's the plan or I hope anyway. I think my last exam is the 2nd week of Dec so might do it then but it will be so depressing to have the surgery right as the Christmas is nearing. ExoticAnimalYou can still have a good holiday even if you're a bit incapacitated. Still the same food and presents. And your RC friends can come over and help take care of you!
Well, what are your plans for Halloween?:D
Not much. Possibly help with the few trick or treaters my parents get at their house but that's all. Other than eating lots of candy of course. What about you? Do you dress up and go to any parties?
Sounds like fun. What are you reading? Yea, Dr wants me to schedule surgery within the next few weeks but that's not possible because of school. Just don't know if I can last that long. ExoticAnimal
What about over Christmas break? If you wait too long you might become paralyzed or something, then you can't make it to school anyway.
It's a pinky :O
It's a 2nd. ...Somehow that doesn't have the same nice ring to it. :P What's new with you?
Hello, I don't think we talk much, lol.
No we don't but that's okay. :)
Hey there, just laying in the bed drinking some green tea. Not feeling well as of right now. How about yourself?ExoticAnimal
Ugh. We need to make you better. This surgery is taking too long to happen.
Green tea is supposed to be very healthy for you. Too bad it doesn't taste like much. Do you put anything in it?
I'm fine thanks. Just reading so it's very quiet in our apartment right now. Usually I leave the tv on.
Exotic, how are you feeling?
Hello everyone else!
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