These are innocent crushes of course and can't hold a candle to my real life crush. There now I covered my bases. Daniel Radcliffe, Hugh Laurie, David Tennant, sorta Ricky Gervais, and possibly Tom Hardy.
Would you recommend the series that is on Netflix? The 2005 version?judog1
Yes that's where I think you should start. However the show really isn't for everyone. It's incredibly cheesy/campy and it's not scary. So as long as you kinda know what you're getting into, go for it. I've enjoyed it up until the season 5 you see listed there on Netflix.
I tried getting into Doctor Who a couple of weeks ago and I had no idea where to begin.judog1
Start with the when the series was revived with Christopher Ecclestone. Watch thru him and David Tennant, then gouge your eyes out if you want to make it thru Matt Smith. I've just started with him and can. not. stand it.
I'm not too picky, just a nice view of some water or something I'm thinking and something I can repair myself, so nothing over 1.5 stories on account of my fear of heights.KiIIyou
I never heard of someone's fear of heights affecting the house they live in, wow. But I do hope you find or build something you really end up liking.Though building would take a long time I imagine.
Lots of things but they're all boring. The one new thing for me is browsing for a new home or just a lot of land where I can build a cheap one on, somewhere far from the loud people but still not too far from where I is now.KiIIyou
Oh that's exciting. If you buy a home- what kind of things are on your must have list?
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