Overall very well and everyone's healthy, thanks for asking. But they induced her and it was all pointless because almost nothing happened and she had to lay in bed helpless all day long. With nothing going on. No serious labor or contractions ever started so they did a c-section, which is what she didn't want if possible, but they're both fine. Baby's adorable of course and we got some pictures of him. I'm probably going to visit every day this week.
Just don't get what the rush was but hey, no one asked for my opinion.
I usually have it with a chocolate flavour (like chocolate ice cream and a bit of chocolate syrup!), so it is chocolatey and bananany :]
Oddly I don't care for those 2 flavors to mix. Wouldn't mind trying a strawberry shake soon, speaking of fruit. Not sure what other fruits could work in a shake.
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