Speaking of showers I actually have to take one. It's a shame I'm so lazy and dreading it. Maybe I'll take my own advice and "study" something in there. -wink wink-
binpink's forum posts
[QUOTE="BranKetra"]Just got done with my homework and a shower.entropyecho
I've personally never done homework in the shower.
Not even a little anatomy? I love studying some anatomy in the shower.
The commercials like the ones for some toilet paper brand and Capri Sun, that spout b.s. about "respecting" their products. Like toilet paper and sugar water really need respect. So stupid.
ol' right home skillets, I think I'm off to bed. Gonna lurk for a few minutes, and lurk ebay then hitting the sack.Fightingfan
Nighty night.
Great way to introduce me to the opposite sex don't you thing? God was it horrible -.- Too them it was disregard what that horse is doing to the women she's topless 10/10.Fightingfan
All that gross stuff just for the boobs. Probably scarred them for life and they didn't even realize it.
Now that you bring it up.... How the fawk does a middle schooler get that crap Fightingfan
Well I just said 'playboy' meaning a general term for nudy magazine, but ummm lets just say it was the caliber of 2girls1cup, but with animals, and borderline self-sodomy.
**Bad images just flashed through my mine:?
I have an idea what the 2girls thing is about but I prefer to block it out of my mind and pretend I have absolutely no idea. So let's not bring it up again. :(
And that is some bad porn my friend. Yuck. Your friend (or his dad) was a sick pup. (Or friends plural, whoever brought it.)
I remember some kids brought a playboy(first time seeing a woman fully naked) to school in 6-7th grade, and it wasn't the good kind >.>
What's are the good and bad kinds of Playboy?
He's just encouraging him. He can't make him like it. :Pthriteenthmonke
I was going to say "Pssh yea right, what kid wouldn't like it?" but then I read this...
I remember the first "pornographic" image I saw left me depressed and a bit confused - quite the opposite of the intended effect. But, I'm a weird one.
@BP I'm totally buying my son nudie magazines :P Though they might be rare 20+ years from now, I mean who even uses em now, it's all stream on the webz :PFightingfan
Why do you want to encourage that though? Letting kids do what they want porn wise is one thing, shoving it in their faces is another. You're gonna force your kid to be a perv! That special quality should happen naturally. :P
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