Some people just need to give their kids a good ass whoopin'. I was at Publix(Grocery store) at the deli and this kid starting screaming bloody murder because his mom told him to get out of the cart(Guess she needed the room for more groceries) and that kid just wouldn't STFU, I swear I never did that when I was young..., and my mother never beat me.
I wonder how kids get like that.
From what I gather kids will test adults' limits all the time and get away with as much as possible. If there are no consequences for their actions they'll do whatever the heck they want.
We shopped at a Publix when we visited Florida. They have good cake. :) Just fyi.
Nothing has to happen really. Often times a woman will be overdue with her first child just cuz her muscles are still strongest (or so they say). They can be induced if necessary but I'd prefer to let things happen naturally. My friend is getting induced on Monday though. :S Really she just needs to eat some really good Italian food. That's what finally coaxed me out, according to my parents.
My best friend is pregant and overdue. I'm sitting around waiting for that baby to arrive. Waiting waiting waiting.
I hate babies, I think they're ugly until about 6months. They remind me of pink hamsters.
Kids are awesome
FF I'm the opposite, I think they're adorable for the first few months. After that they're take or leave. And they're awesome as long as they aren't mine.
I know nothing about cars either but that seems cool. So is that a hobby for you ff, or do you sell the cars and make some money...? Seems like a lot of work.
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