Not right now. I think it's the pulled muscle TBH because I remember tensing up the muscles in my head when it happened, I just did it too hard. I don't really want to go to a doctor right now either because my mom has to pay enough money and I need to have my wisdom teeth removed before the end of the summer because if I don't I will have perminant nerve damage in my lower lip causing me to lose all feeling in that area forever.:shock: So we need to save money for that.metroidprime55
So my head injury could be one of three things, a pulled muscle in my temple, a popped blood vessel in my head, or an aneurism. I really hope it's the pulled muscle. metroidprime55
Binpink how old are you? When I see you on TDH you're never this friendly and I always picture you as Betty White.metroidprime55
When was the last time I was even on TDH?? I don't even know. Don't go there anymore. But really, is anyone on TDH that friendly? I'm 26. So quite a bit younger than Betty White but I do look exactly like her. Wrinkles and all.
About the cookies- I suppose you're right. Gotta be in the mood for them. I recently discovered a cheese and caramel popcorn mix so that's what I've been overeating.
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