I always believed it was real when I was watching way back when. I liked the makeover shows like "I used to be a geek but look at me now!" Also this cracks me up-
More than 5 months, actually. Specificaly since DH2 came out. :P And i'm good :) , and trying to finish my giant game backlog.harry_james_pot
What games are on your to-play list? I just got the DH horcrux ring to add to my collection of HP items. What I don't have, oddly, is DH2 on dvd or blu-ray. Don't know why I'm waiting.
Hey! I haven't seen you here in like 5 months! How is it going? :D
5 months? That's an odd number. :P I've been around. Things here are fine thank you. Only things going on are working and waiting for my best friend to have her baby. Normal otherwise. How about you??
Chicken crisis averted Dei! I added some veggies to roast with the chicken so that covered up the sizzling oil. The recipe says to cook it at 425. That's crazy!
My speakers keep making a weird sound when I turn them on and sometimes they will randomly do it when they're on, it sounds like this reverb sort of sound and it's annoying as hell.metroidprime55
Maybe you should turn the heat down a little? xDDeihjan
Lol you'd think. I'm useless in a kitchen crisis. The olive oil is the problem here, not the chicken itself. It's sizzling like crazy and it smells smokey. But the recipe said to use olive oil on the chicken! Now what.
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