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Me and a Wii!

So, last week at the Best Buy I work at we got our Wii (it won't be playable) and Playstation 3 (preview coming soon). Anyways, last night I took a few minutes to become aquainted with the Wii. Naturally, I took some pictures as well. I was shocked to see how small and light it was. Unfortunatly I didn't get to see the Wiimote because there was no controller with the unit. Despite that I'm even more excited about the Wii then I have been before and can't wait for November 19th to get here.

Below are the pictures I took. They are that great since they were taken in a warehouse and with a cellphone.


It Only Lasted A Few Months!

Alright so I have finally gotten through the long ass level 20 and hit level 21! Now I just need to do more stuff on here and well everywhere else. Oh well.

Until Next time...

And Here It Is...

Another update from me! So Sunday I worked 11hrs at Best Buy, and it wasn't so bad. I also got a raise, so I now make $7.77 an hour. Not too bad for retail. Other then then that nothing too interesting going on in the outside life.

In other news, one of my friends showed me a new game online. Its free and it really doesn't take that much time of your life. Its a nice little distraction. If your interest has been pinged by this at all then check out the site here: MonsterGame.

And if you haven't noticed, I'm almost out of level 20! Funny thing is I've been here for so long that I think that I'm going to miss it.

Until next time...

Busy Busy Busy!

So things are starting to get really busy for me again. Holidays are of course coming up so that means alot more work at Best Buy. And I'm also working on two major projects at school. One is a full blown advertising campaign for a business called Heirloom Scanning (yes its a real business). The other project is just me and two others making six posters a piece to send to the troops over seas. Those two things I'll be working on for the next couple of months.

In gaming news I picked up the Collector's Edition of Bully. I love the fact that you get a real dodgeball with it. So f***ing awesome! I haven't had a chance to play the game yet, but I'll probably start it this weekend. Also I picked up the new Cradle of Filth CD, Thornography. :)

Other then that nothing really happening. Until next time...

Good Saturday!

So if you look over to the right you will see a nice new shiny emblem on my page. Its the "After Hours: Virtually There" emblem! I was actually able to find time to watch the After Hours event last night for a couple of hours.

I missed the first part of it cause I was hanging out with my girlfriend for our one year. Which I will have to say that everything went pretty damn well considering how much there is NOT to do around the area. And the last hour I missed cause I had to get to bed so I can be up at 6 in the morning to goto work in a bit...gotta love training at Best Buy.

Yep, thats about it for now. Until next time.

No Wii For Me...For Now

Well, as most of you know GameStop/EB took reservations this morning for the Nintendo Wii. My local stores will be getting 18 and 12 respectively. But, I will not be one of those. There was just no way I was going to drive 27 miles to pre order my Wii, comeback home, and then drive 27 miles to work. Way too much driving for one day.

Point is, I'll have to find another way to get one at launch or just wait until after launch sometime. After all, Nintendo is supposed to be flooding the market with consoles, right? Also, I would like to say that GameStop's rules for the pre orders suck...thats all for now.

What To Make Of A Weekend

So what can I make of this weekend? Read below and find out.

1. I sold the most Geek Squad stuff at work today ($ one person).
2. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning was actually a good movie with tons of blood, gore, and an exploding cow.
3. I still don't like working on Sundays.
4. I renewed my Game Informer sub at GameStop.
5. I'm currently watching Dallas get beat by Philly on TV.
6. Learned a couple of new things about .PNG files
       - The file size is smaller then a GIF and JPG
       - PNG supports transparency for Firefox browsers but not of Internet Explorer. That's kinda weird.
7. I can't wait until Saturday! I get to see Janet and it's our one year! I couldn't be happier...hell I'm smiling right now! WooT!

Killzone: Liberation Preview

Last week I got my hands on a demo of Killzone: Liberation. And after playing through the one single player level you get on the UMD, I would have to say that I'm pretty impressed.

First off the game looks fantastic. The top down view is perfect for the PSP. At the wood, steel, industrial colors just popped out on the PSP's screen. Also as a little extra surprise...rag doll physics! The rag doll physics are perhaps some of the best that I have seen in any game. In one instance I was trying to hide in a glass sort of room. And a rocket came blasting through the window. As I tired to run the rocket hit me from behind, throwing me through the window in front of me, over the guardrail and into the ocean.

The sounds in the game are pretty much your standard gun firing, dying grunts, breaking boxes kind of thing. Although I will say that the soundtrack really brought me into the battle and the explosions really sound great. But, my PSP had some trouble keeping up with loading some of these sounds. And so at those instances I was brought back out of the experience. Hopefully Guerrilla will fix this issue.

Finally, the controls were pretty impressive in this demo, once I learned all of them. The layout is actually pretty simple, square shoots, circle throws/sets explosives, R brings your into the prone position, L locks (sorta), and X is your actions. The only thing I really had trouble with was aiming at times. I was able to lock onto objects to shoot, but at times I had trouble locking onto enemies. Once again something I hope Guerrilla will improve before the final product releases.

Overall it seems that KL should turn out to be a pretty good game for the PSP library. And when it comes out at the end of October you should pick it up and give it a try.

Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 9
Sound: 6
Value: N/A (its only a demo)
Tilt: 9

So Yea...

This week was kinda hectic for me. It was finals week so I spent most of the week working on projects for my finals or I was actually working at Best Buy. So I really didn't have time to do anything else.

But, yeah tomorrow I get to work a 9-12 hour shift at work so you won't see me tomorrow either. But for the next two weeks I shall be free, which means I'll have time to be more active on here...YaY! I really do miss being active all the time on here.

But, I just figured I'd let you guys know that I'm still alive. Until next time...