Personally, I'd recommend... 1.) Super Mario Galaxy - excellent platformer, definitely a unique wii experience 2.) Super Mario Galaxy 2 - like the original, only better 3.) Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword - great adventure with great use of motion controls 4.) Mario Kart Wii - a fun racing experience, more fun when played with friends 5.) Wii Sports Resort - excellent showcase of the wii motion (plus) controls, and a fun minigame collection 6.) Red Steel 2 - another game that uses the motionplus controls very well, also quite unique (think of it as a first person perspective game that hybridizes a shooter and a beat-em-up and puts it all in a wacky anime setting that fuses spaghetti western, samurai movies, steampunk and post-apocalyptic sci-fi) All unique and immersive in their own ways, and all uniquely Wii, in that they put the control system to good use.
Since the Wii-U is supposed to be backwards compatible, I think TP would be the LEAST likely. I wonder though if playing it on the U would clean up the visuals as nicely as certain programs are currently said to do.
It's still very early for the vita. I think it does have all sorts of fancy "gimmicks" like the powerful graphic tech, fancy touch input, and some kind of interface with the PS3. So it doesn't need anything but the eventual price drop and library expansion. The 3D gimmick wasn't really what sold the 3DS for most, it was price drop+library expansion possibly timed perfectly in anticipation of the vita. "VITA. It only does... 3DS marketing."
Freeman. Bit more human than Master Chief, a bit less defined (personality) than Nathan Drake He may have the least production value as a character, but he carries a crowbar.
A cat chewed through the wire of my original sensor bar so I've been using a wireless one. The only annoyance I have with it is that it has to be turned on/off on its own (Not a huge problem). It also drains batteries easily, but I use rechargeable ones, so I have no problem there.
I think it can be done. I suggest you test out the following at the Wii main menu: (a) with 1 Wiimote on, use the D-pad of the player1 Wiimote to select "Game Disc" (Guitar Hero) Channel. (b) with at least 2 Wiimotes on, use the player2 Wiimote as a pointer to select "Game Disc" Channel. If either works, then your answer is yes.
1.) RED STEEL 2 (as mentioned above) - based on you having motion plus, and you can probably find it sold for less than 20 as the game without the motion plus 2.) TWILIGHT PRINCESS - based on you having Skyward Sword. The Nintendo Selects version should go for just under 20. Definitely good. 3.) SUPER MARIO GALAXY - based on you having New Super MarioBros. The Nintendo Selects version is definitely worth it if you're interested in a great platformer 4.) METROID PRIME CORRUPTION- if you like FPS types. I had occasionally seen used copies of it going for that price 5.) RESIDENT EVIL 4 Wii Edition- Great game that made good use of the wiimote, in my opinion (maybe because I enjoyed all the first 3 resident evil games). I've seen used copies for about $20. 6.) MONSTER HUNTER TRI- great buy at less than $20 If you really like MMO grinds, I have seen used copies at Gamestop's site for that price
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