Ehh no, no just no. You cant say that the school looked the same with all the oter areas or the super duper market? Some ruined houses look similar, but not exactly the same. What do you expect? The first wooden ruined house to have some kinda spcecial "ruined" part on it that would make it unique? For me parts like wooden houses and city buildings gotta look similar. Its not like stalker that has much less buildings to explore. Honestly complain about things like that looking similar is like complaining that the Dwemer ruins in morrowind had similar architecture. I see you do understand that making everying diffirent will take alot of work in a game of this size and that you agree that its a step up from oblivion. But i did not experiance that issue with exploring a place that looks like i have seen them many times earlier. There were times that things looked similar but not in such a rate. I guess you expect ever are to be unique, i dont know what to say!!!
Why would a school and a super market look the same, I didn't even bring that up. I'm saying all the offices buildings looked exactly the same. The first office building you came to looked just like any other offices you stumbled across. Same goes for military bases, stores and so on. Yes, I also had issues with Morrowind's repeating level design. Towards the end of the game, I had little reason to go into Dwemer ruins other than for quest. However, the game had such varied and distinct zones and regions that I was able to overlook it.
I put alot of emphasis on level design. If it's boring or repeats itself, it takes away from my enjoyment of the game. This was one of my many issues I had with Mass Effect and Oblivion. All I'm saying is I wish devs would pay more attention to creating details in their game worlds that make them feel more realistic and add some individuality.
For the record, my original comment was partly tongue in cheek and partly a jab at Bethesda's poor "risk/exploration--reward" system. FO3, on the whole, is a pretty decent game and quite a few steps up from Oblivion.
As for the topic, both games excel at what they do. STALKER captures the ominous empty feeling of the Zone and FO3 does a decent job of portraying a post-nuclear world.
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