black_chewbacca's forum posts
Motorstorm flopped. And when it happened, everyone knew, and didn't want to talk about it.
It was hyped 9.6+ and got a 7.9. That constitutes as a flop.
I fail to understand why anyone would find this remotely funny. A plain, generic put-down by acting like a "cow."
Anyway, this topic fails. Its not funny in any way shape or form, and if you werent going for humor you pretty much failed in every thing else.
Calm down. How dare anyone challenge the almighty power of your PC, right? If I spent a big wad of cash on a quality PC I would be upset too. Just because Crysis is the only big game PC gamers are blabbing about doesn't mean the console fans are too. Yeah it would be cool to have something like Crysis on the 360.. but its one game I can live without it (and live without the expensive upgrades I'd need to run it on PC).Corvin
Ahmen, you made a good point, there is honestly no other game for them to talk about... World of Warcraft, but thats like what... Two years old? And yea I dont blame him for being upset, anyone would after paying a heap of money for Crysis. For the price of a graphics card you can purchase a 360, with over 200 games, and plenty of games to brag about (Gears, Halo, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, the list goes on.)
Dude why put that beast on the 360? Already half of the Worlds computers will explode because of it's awesomeness!Davis092
Crysis can easily play on a 360/Ps3. Its made by Crytek, who made Far Cry, the Far Cry series was published by Ubi, who love to shovel out as many games into the market as they can. Crysis is published by EA games which isnt any different, they also love to port like crazy.
So in the end its not as much if it can run it or not, the deciding factor would be if they decide to make it exclusive. PC games sell horribly compared to consoles, EA knows this and I'm sure they would bring it to consoles to make some extra cash.
So ask yourself, do you think that Crysis or EA would want to keep it exclusive? They are both known for porting/multi-plat titles.
I'm not talking about online, I'm talking about offline gaming I heard the loading times even then are longer. I remember Xplay was the first time I heard that before launch evenkcpp2b
Thats the Blue-Ray/ Cell. Power comes at a price.
Oh no... 8800... That must be a graphics card, not another arguement.
Also... Ps3 sixaxis doesnt feel that great, they need to improve.
Nah I was givin him a shoppin' tip.
380? Thats alot of money for a graphics card. I spent $250, and it still looked like ****. Thats why I stick to consoles. Except I love my computer, I only use it for hacking and programming though.
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