@bob_on_bass "Does Rocksmith teach skills necessary to play the instrument? I guess you could say that... you're using your fingers to fret notes and pluck strings. That's like playing, right? But after "learning" to play a song on the original Rocksmith well enough to get a passing score and move on, I turned off the game and tried to play the same song by myself. No joy. I hadn't really learned to play the song, I just became proficient at hitting notes that corresponded with colored blocks on the screen. No colored blocks = no song."
If you thought a "passing" score would help you memorize and learn to play "easier" you would certainly be mistaken. It will still take the time and muscle memory to remember what to play. Thats what master mode was for. When you played enough to where you actually knew what was coming next before it got there you went to master mode to hone that knowledge. Rocksmith 2014 actually has on-the-fly master mode so if you forget a few notes, the chords and notes will start to fade back in to help you out and as you start to master it again it will fade out. Only thing Rocksmith doesnt teach is the "WHYS". Like "Why do these notes sound good with this chord?" "Why does this chord not fit with the scale i am using?" Those are things that can be learned elsewhere. Rocksmith will teach you to play the guitar but it certainly is not the end all be all of guitar learning. It's up to you to take that basic knowledge and expand on it.
@Guimengo1 If you are going to use HDMI through the tv you will still get lag. Recommended direct audio through stereo or headphones seems to be a must.
@profanityVP Session mode certainly is pretty good for messing around once you figure it out. Chords dont sound too good with session mode but it is great for learning how to solo and keeping the timing with a band. Shows the scale in whichever key you choose. The adaptability of the session band is decent enough and I played for two hours with "the band" before i realized it.
@nico_p Might be worth it to pick up the original if not for only getting the 50 songs on it to use in the 2014 version. I have seen the original at Walmart for 19.99 and for 10 more dollars you can "download" the original songs. Didnt realize how big the songlist would wind up with all my dlc and songs from the first plus all the songs from the 2014 version and the 8 new tracks for DLC....
Had stolen vehicles disappear... just decided to purchase and upgrade just those purchased vehicles and havent had the disappearing problem... Maybe they need an option to remove the VIN from the stolen vehicles..
@Bubble_Man No... it IS accepted as a form of entertainment... until this entertainment industry grow up, we will always be seen as children with finger paints...
blackbeltjones' comments