Personally if you thought the game deserved or deserves a 10 then why care what someone else thinks of the game. Opinions are like an asshole.... everyone has one... and gamespot's comment community surely has millions....
@ChiefFreeman I honestly think the comments they show just highlight the maturity of 80% of the comments on here and hopefully this leads to cleaning up the gaming community. I for one enjoy well thought out comments and arguments rather than the swearing and irate tirades that typically go on in the comments section. Gaming NEEDS to grow the up or the community as a whole will continue to be looked upon as "for kids". Judging by even some of the comments on THIS video goes to show when it comes to this community "growing up" a bit, we have a long way to go...
Around the turn of the millennium, Sega's Dreamcast became the first internet-ready console to receive a worldwide release. The system shipped with a 56 Kbps modem (or 33.6 Kbps in Europe) and a copy of the latest Planetweb browser. Sega went on to launch a network service called SegaNet (Dreamarena in Europe) and online support for several Dreamcast titles followed. The platform provided DLC for games such asSkies of Arcadia and Jet Set Radio, while the launch of Sonic Team's Phantasy Star Online represented a giant leap for online console gaming. Despite its short lifecycle, Sega's last hardware release pioneered networked play and services like SegaNet paved the way for their modern equivalents.
@hystavito @KelboDelta I am guessing it CAN be done... as inaccurate as the original kinect was it still detected minor head, arm and leg movements. The new kinect can detect movements even better.... you know what I give up explaining..
blackbeltjones' comments