Thank goodness.... as long as they keep the PC master cheaters away from the console servers everything should be fine on consoles. Someone will come up with a mod on PC that names all the planets and bases "buttlover4life" and the PC children will LOL all day...
The commentary on the 2K series was no name guys and it was awesome for its time and is actually comparable to the same commentary we get in Madden NOW... maybe this is the direction they HAD no choice but to go.
@iohannfus2015: Actually I own an Xbox One and a PS4 so a lot of Xbox owners like myself will play it. I also owned a PS3 and Xbox 360..... Any gamer who has a job will just get both. Why miss out on great games from either system? I wont sell myself short. Played the first 3 on the PS3 and then bought the Uncharted remaster bundle when I finally picked up a PS4.... I cant express how much I love this series and did I mention I am an Xbox One owner....
I'll grab Tropico 5 for the PS4 and GoW on the Vita.. Costume Quest is about the only one I would DL for games with gold... We have UC4 this month so I imagine we will be playing that for a bit anyways...
I had my main character in The Division disappear. Most of my high end gear and blueprints were with my main. When I load my ALT my stash that is used between characters is empty and I am missing all of the "appearance" gear so my ALT has no body.... great work UBI. At least you are consistent.
@DJ_Headshot: I used to game on PCs a lot and upgraded whenever I needed to. The problem for me was meeting the recommended specs and having some games STILL not run right. With consoles if I buy a game it is designed to run on that specific system... no more no less. If it is a great game the Ps, the Ks, the FPS is secondary. This gen has been all about resolution and everyone forgets that the game is still good in 900p or whatever. A game gets an 8 for a review and people lose their minds that 8 out 10 is a "shitty" game... Ive played plenty of great games in 480p and quite a few crappy ones in 1080p. The Apple generation is all about spec numbers rather than what actually makes a great game a great game. I own the One and a PS4 and a mid range PC and I honestly couldnt care less about the "statistics" of a game. Uncharted 4 could be in upscaled 1080p and I would still want to play the hell out of it!!
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