Mr. Makuch, I was wondering if you will ever have an article that actually contributes to gaming news.... You really are Gamespot's official troll. I would have figured you'd have outgrow this kind of drivel. I figured wrong. Its no wonder why I frequent this site only about once a month.
@NTenseify: I started playing this game after giving up my Ferrari Racing team and decided to just spend 130s a week dedicated to a game. I ALSO BS on the internet.... I dont congratulate someone for a video game achievement unless they can make money on it If he can turn his hobby into cash, Ill congratulate him.
@blacklabelice: The last part of your last sentence says it all. Sometimes one needs to pop their heads up from a video game to look around. Life is there somewhere.
Glad I bought RB4 with the guitar day one... I noticed it is at Walmart for $79 now. Price I pay for "having" to have it. Should have just stuck with RB3. I felt if I brought all my songs over to the XBox One I would feel better about the 750+ songs I bought for it.... Answer: I dont.
blackbeltjones' comments