@A_Rabid_Dog Gamers are theoritically more knowledgable than most of the common populace. Most gamers are well familiar with technology and leading products, it actually makes more sense to spy on us than it does the random people.
--- Funniest and most inane comment I have read on this site ever and it's been a LONG time. Have you frequented this site before? Do you not read all the misinformation and fanboying? Yeah the NSA can't WAIT to get all this wonderful information. LMGDAO!!
@F0110WER And that is your choice... if they keep removing features then I have the same choice as last gen.. which console has better exclusives initially... and I would just prefer to stick with what I have, given that choice.
@F0110WER Thats the point I was making dear sir. You want a phone that just makes phone calls. I want a phone that lets me do the other things on the run. You want great games on a console and I can accept that. I want games also, but I want my console to do something else too. I have 2 gaming consoles already.
@Dissentioncc Preorders are mostly, and I hate using the expression, hardcore gamers. The true sales wont happen until the mainstream gamer gets their hands on it. I honestly dont think the Wii's sale numbers are hard core gamers. I know 50-60 year old people that own Wiis. The mainstream gamer now drives this market. Hardcore gamers are the minority...
@xtigrex I do concur with that statement.. both will sell millions. I just want to get the thing that I preordered. not some ripped apart half system promised to me and then undelivered because of complainers. There are many of us that want it to just stay its course now. The DRM is gone. The check in is gone (except when first installing). I just want what I paid for. I almost feel like I preordered a car and now they have removed the seat and everyone is clamoring to remove the engine. I apologize for my rants... I honestly do...
@GenOptimus This is why I try not to post here... I get heated. I try not to but some of the responses I get are inane and I get frustrated talking to people whose "opinions" are greater than my "opinion" for some reason. I will chill as I am done....
@rockerdude1986 Because it is the one thats left (thanks to the complainers) that the PS4 DOESNT have... The feature sets are pretty similar as far as non gaming related things. I want both but i want a different experience from each console... unlike which I get now. The PS3 and Xbox are nearly identical. It comes down to exclusives on those consoles. On these, they are marketed entirely differently.
blackbeltjones' comments