@Dissentioncc I am not talking about that... I am talking about the same complainers now targeting the one innovation left... the kinect 2.0. Personally you dont want what a company offers buy the other option, PS4. I am not telling people they should buy an Xbox One. I plan on having both, I just want my Xbox One to be unadulterated by the incessant whining and removal of features by MS listening to gamers. I rarely post on this site and I have been here for awhile, but the loudest voices are always the complainers who assume they are the MAJORITY. But there is a silent minority who want these things. Why arent they on here posting? Because that are getting what they WANT!!
@PDXmauler97 Well after hearing this about 1,000,000 times anyone would get a little defensive. I apologize for not noticing the emoticon. I get defensive because i can't believe that people DONT want innovation. They are content to purchase just another gaming console. If the kinect becomes un-integrated I am not purchasing another system. My leaving isnt going to hurt the gaming industry in the least, but continuing to force us to buy consoles that do the same thing as the last gen with better graphics most certainly will..... Why do people get bored with a game? Because you can only do the same thing over and over until you lose interest. If these are just going to be "regular ole consoles" than I cannot continue to purchase them..
@Dissentioncc ...and by the way, the Kinect 1 DID fly off the shelves. I believe it broke a sales record. Problem is it was a PERIPHERAL. With the Kinect 2.0 being integrated and with EVERY console, it wont be dismissed by developers and they WILL take chances with it. Think ahead, not back... its useful sometimes
@Dissentioncc People do not realize what is innovative until they have it in their hands. They say necessity is the mother of invention. Did we NEED to fly? No. But thankfully Orville and Wibur had the foresight to think we did. Not everyone is going to agree but to dismiss it as trivial is ignorant...
@F0110WER And I have no problem with you getting a PS4, I am getting one after I get the Xbox One. My choice in what I want my console to do is MY choice. Just like it is your choice to just want to play games on your console.
@Dissentioncc I also didnt think internet, cameras, operating systems and games on a phone as "innovative" or necessary, but now I can't live without them... again.. SHORTSIGHTED
@Dissentioncc Then buy a PS4.... simple choice. i am not against people buying a PS4, but lets not rip the innovation out of the Xbox One before it gets INTO our hands. No one has any idea what the Xbox One can eventually become if we rip it down to just another videogame system with pretty graphics.
@Dissentioncc Options will lead to developers not taking advantage to the fact that EVERYONE has it... thats the problem with PC games.. Not EVERYONE has $3,000 gaming rigs... so they build the game at the highest level and dumb it down. This is what happened to the Kinect 1.0. It was dumbed down by developers who wouldnt devote time to it because not everyone had it. I dont understand the shortsightedness. The console hasnt even come out and we want to strip it down to a videogame system. I have a PS3 and Xbox 360... I already have 2 videogame systems... I wanted more from my next console...
@Dissentioncc Your choice in what your console can do is up to you.... An opinion on what I think is innovative is not trolling. Having a closed mind to anything but "sweet graphix" is worse than trolling... It's downright emptyheaded...
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