@AlwaysRunning According to this source it was mostly twitter blowing them up... I highly doubt MS would be on these fanboy filled forums... (Wall Street Journal Article)
@BeNOwNz Some people really didnt like the policies. We did lose a few options with the sharing of disc games wirelessly and the sharing of Arcade games but we take the good with the bad. I was going Xbox One first anyways... Strangely I am also interested in Ryse
@bluebird08 ....Spent so much time slapping MS that they didnt realize it was all part of Microsofts plan... All anyone was doing was talking about MS and their policies. The Sony fanboys spent so much time on this they forgot to talk about their OWN CONSOLE!!!
@Zevvion @blackbeltjones i was getting the One regardless of the restrictions... just BECAUSE it's not just a gaming machine. Sony is actually the big loser in this because they spent so much time saying how they aren't doing this like MS and that like MS they forgot to talk about the thing other than gaming that the PS4 can do... or maybe they did, but NO ONE was talking about it. I will be getting the PS4 also but much after the Xbox One...
@zenstrata @omar_q Seriously.. take off the tinfoil hats please.. It's a gaming console. MS is not going to risk billions of dollars in sales and lawsuits to watch Fat Larry pick belly button lint out while smashing away on a controller.. and I am sure the NSA could give a crap less about that too
Lost in all this new is the fact that we lost sharing any of our titles wirelessly now... and family game sharing is gone.... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323893504578555891515164624.html?ru=yahoo&mod=yahoo_hs
Microsoft wasnt on here listening to trolls... it was the feedback on Xbox forums. So lets give credit where credit is due.... XBOX USERS!! Not Sony fanboys!!
blackbeltjones' comments