@udubdawgz I think they did this on purpose. I dont think they even planned to have those other policies.... All the free publicity they generated. Plus Sony was all about our console wont have drm... it wont have restrictions on used game. They forgot to talk about what their console can do besides gaming... Well played Microsoft... well played.
@thequickshooter No... MS got a BOATLOAD of free publicity.. there is NO BAD PUBLICITY!! Everyone was talking about MS. I think it was MS's plan all along and it worked.
@Bezee4u actually everyone spent so much time talking about MS and their policies they forgot to talk about the PS4... and I never thought it'd be easy for Sony. I was getting the Xbox One first either way. Way more innovation. I don't spend all my free time playing games. Watch a lot of TV and with the XBox being utilized within my TV viewing it'll make that experience better. I cant wait til Nov.
@Toysoldier34 I read your first statement and was thinking "Don't troll please" but you second statement was perfect. Honestly I think this was their plan all along. Bait and switch but in a good way. Makes them look like they are bending to the customer. and Sonys mistake was spending so much time at E3 touting how the PS4 doesnt have "DRM" or "You can trade games" that they forgot to actually tout what it can do besides games. They did a great job with showing off their games though. Xbox One got a HUGE boost in free advertising from all the "ISSUES" and now they have redacted. WOW!! I was getting both either way...
@chemicalegypt 3 for every 2 is hardly a killing but just imagine all the people who were on the fence because of these "issues". Pretty big push over the fence if you ask me. I think sales #s may be a little more evenly matched or *GASP* completely reverse...
@epicgameresearc I think the kinect is fine... Mattrick? He can go. I am a fan of Xbox and PS and that was the most moronic statement from a company I have ever heard. Glad they redacted all the stuff everyone was complaining about but the only one that actually bothered me was the 24 hour check. Not for me, but for gamers who do not and can not get an internet connection. I was getting both regardless if they changed the policies or not...
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