@ClintCommander i have played many just ok games and liked them... Its rare for me to LOVE a game unconditionally. Skyrim had a boatload of problems but it still was a good game overall...
@ltsJoeMama No it has not... but really which generations 1st batches of games have. They have really squeaked every ounce out of these "old" consoles havent they..
@Dannystaples14 Halo 4? I thought it was halo 3 they were giving... I recently traded in Halo 4... may just regrab for free if this is true? I may have to look into this
@SpardisJX DRM doesnt both me as it is the developers right to have protection for their intellectual property. I dont understand why everyone thinks in this digital age that they OWN anything digital. This sense of entitlement baffles me as in if you dont like it dont buy it. It is YOUR decision to purchase a product whether it has DRM or not. I dont plan on pirating anything so its a non factor to me... I dont think anyone reads what their "rights' are when they purchase software. You have the rights to own the disc. You have NO rights when it comes to the information on the disc. The fact that MS is allowing us to share our digital download, if only once, is still one more time than anyone else allows. As far as trading in, loaning, or selling disc based games, that issue has had so much misinformation spread on here its borderline insanity. Trade will be allowed...loaning will be allowed...reselling will be allowed... guaranteed.
@krystyla And I can respect your opinion on it. All I am saying is let someone else make their own. I dont get upset if a game I loved get a low review score as it is the reviews opinion. Because it is that. An opinion... and if you want to use catch phrases "one mans trash is another mans treasure". :-)
@Lacarus Well you had said you were getting Xbox One in a few years and I assumed you KNEW it comes with the kinect 2.0. Well your loss then.... I will have the Xbox One and PS4 at launch.. I am not gonna miss a damn thing
@Lacarus When you get the Xbox One in a couple years it will be light years better... Microsoft may not always make the best choices (24 hour check, internet required) but they are software geniuses. The thing the One and Kinect 2.0 will be able to do in a few years will be awesome. Hell, I think some of the things it can do on release is awesome.
@Ahmi20 @artiebillymac Heh.. I assumed he was already doing this and it just wasnt downloading, lol. Maybe I shouldnt assume... but I also didnt exactly get the most informative description of the problem, lol
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