@blackace Good luck with that Playstation Network.. I have an Xbox and Xbox Live and a PS3 and certainly not PS+. If Sony cant improve that deplorable service, especially after they are making people pay for it, there are going to be ALOT of angry people...
@artiebillymac The game had been released on live with really no "fanfare" so now that it made the news it will be a little harder to get... i imagine there is a pretty long queue of people. Keep trying, it'll slow down soon. Try to DL right before you go to bed, assuming you have the background download on so the xbox will turn off after it finishes... That should be a better time
@the_big_doggg If you are expecting that you are on the wrong site... heres a test for ya.. Go to ANY Xbox news on here and type either "PS4 RULEZ" or "Xbone SUCKS". You will get more likes than you know what to do with. Then go to any Sony PS4 news and type "PS4 Sucks" or "Xbox RULEZ", you would be trolled for YEARS... I am not sure if Xbox owners are older or more mature, or there is just a majority of PS owners that are losers and have nothing better to do with their time than come here to flame and troll... and i will probably be trolled just for saying this and I have BOTH systems... and will have BOTH new systems...
@ClintCommander So if Angry Joe told you to not buy Destiny you wouldnt. So Angry Joes opinion is law for you. It's free, why not try it? Based on someones opinion? If I did that I'd have missed out on some great movies and games. i have played alot of games that get a 6.0 on here that I loved...
@arod628 .... and key words to me "I have ever played". You most certainly have played worse games because I have played some atrocious ones in my 40 years...
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